Get your New Year off to a Great Start

You may be worried about how you can get a little bit more income right now. Perhaps there aren’t many jobs in your area, and the jobs that there are don’t fit in with the childcare that you have. Maybe you look at mums running businesses and think , “I’d love to do that but I don’t have her skills, I don’t have a big idea and I have nothing to invest to get my business started.” If you’re in this position, it is time to forget everything you’ve been taught about work and earning money. If you’ve had enough of juggling childcare, having no spare cash, or feeling that you aren’t contributing financially then listen up because what we have to say could change your life.

There is a new way of earning that more and more mums are finding fits in with family life. Instead of relying on a single job, and then perhaps finding that their employer has to make cuts, mums in the know are developing ‘multiple streams of income’. Their earnings come in from several different routes. Imagine this scenario. Sharon who worked on the till at Woolie’s twenty hours a week also has a number of side incomes. She has a parenting blog that earns her £300 a month in advertising. She does some freelance writing for £150 per month. Sharon has also just launched an eBook from a blog in a niche area which earns £75 a month. Woolie’s went bust in the recession, but Sharon coped well. She cut back a bit but lives off her other incomes. She spent her free time creating that e-course which is now earning £300 a month and she invested her redundancy in another business opportunity which she hopes will be a big success. No matter which of Sharon’s incomes disappear she has others she can rely on, and it’s highly unlikely that all her incomes will dry up at the same time.

Sharon may be a hypothetical character but she respresents a new wave of ‘mumpreneurs‘, mums that are making an income (or several) on their own terms.

What does this mean for you? You don’t need one big idea or lots of investment to become a mumpreneur. You can do it bit by bit while still working full or part time. If you’re a stay at home mum you can quietly work away on various things that could build into a full time income.

This is just the start, though. If what you’ve read sounds right up your street, Antonia and Erica have lots more to share with you about ways to earn that fit with the family. Join them, and hundreds of others mums on the journey to earn a full time income in part time hours. Get all the inside tips, plus a free e-course at

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1 Comment

  1. T-J Hughes
    January 6, 2011 / 4:12 pm

    I’ve just started a second business to help with this scenario. It’s great as it’s recommending people to save money on their household bills! How good is that? I’m enjoying it, and know it will help increase our family income, whilst allowing me to do what my passion is.

    Have a look and see if you want to join in, or just simply save on your household bills!

    Think this recession is making us all look at things differently!