How to Target Your Keywords with Blog Posts

If you have a blog or another type of website, you probably know by now that every page needs to be optimised for search if you want people to find it. Unfortunately, many bloggers and content writers skip the keyword research stage and therefore miss an opportunity to attract potential readers.  Here is some advice from an SEO agency in Hertfordshire on how to target your keywords within your blog posts.

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Before you start your keyword research, you need to think about what you hope the blog post will achieve. If you’re sharing something on a trending topic, Google Trends or Google Suggest will help. For any other type of post, it’s always worth consulting your data to figure out what has worked well and the past. If your blog posts on hair and beauty are encouraging the most amount of traffic, then you should have a strong indication of what keywords are good options for you.

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Have a look directly on the SERP for a particular topic. It might be a good idea to try and recreate (without plagiarising) the titles that appear in the top spot. However, don’t be naïve in thinking that they are only ranking well because of the keywords; there will be lots of other SEO factors at play. 

There are lots of tools on the web that will help you figure out which keywords you want to target. Once you’ve decided, be sure to use the keyword of choice in the title tag, the meta tags and throughout the text on the page. However, be sure to avoid keyword stuffing because it puts readers off and you could even be penalised by Google as it is now considered black-hat SEO. 

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