Top Tips for a Successful Direct Sales Business

Following on from Jocelyn Reading’s first post “5 things to consider when choosing a direct sales opportunity” she shares her 5 top tips to make your direct sales business successful – this are super transferable if you’re not in direct sales! So please do read on!


  1. People buy from people. I always remind myself of this. However brilliant your product is, you are it’s USP. Be friendly and efficient and always deliver great customer service. Look after your regular customers with the odd little freebie, voucher, offer etc., as it shows your appreciation of them, and recommendations can go a long way in any business.
  2. Always be prepared  You never know when an opportunity to chat about your business may arise, and you never know when someone will want some information from you. I always carry my business cards, the latest brochures and business information leaflets with me. I also tend to have a little product stock in my car, as I’ll often be at a friends and they’ll just need a couple of cards while I’m there!
  3. Find the right support system. It can feel quite a lonely job, if you’re working from home on your own, so it can make a big difference to you and your business to get some support. In my case, the trader who actually sponsored me didn’t offer that support and is no longer trading. I muddled on through and still managed to make a great start to my business (phew!), and have since found a few other traders that I know I can call on with queries or just for a quick ‘well done’ or pick me up. I’m also fortunate in that the company I trade for actively encourages ideas sharing, stock swap shops etc. so there is always someone around to help me out. It really helps.
  4. However busy you are, whether you’ve a family, other jobs, commitments etc. try to do a little bit each day. The odd 5 minutes spent here and there do add up, so a brochure in the post, a phone call, samples dropped somewhere etc. is all advancing your business that little bit and you never know where it might lead. Every time you tell someone about what you do opens up a whole new avenue of possibilities for you, so every time counts. And by doing a little each day, it’s easier to keep the momentum going as it keeps it in your mind.
  5. Enjoy it! You need to be pretty self motivated to do this, so enjoying it really helps you top get out there and do something with your business. If you’re excited about the latest products, you’ll be happily shouting about them, and there’ll always be people listening! They may then buy from you, book you, or want to join your team as they can see your enthusiasm for it. And so your business grows…Direct selling is not a get rich quick scheme  It’ll be a business like any other, so be prepared to give it energy and time to develop.
Hope these tips have helped you? I blog about fitting my business in around looking after my children at &
You can also often find me tweeting all things cards and family life at . Thanks for reading.
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