A Working Parents Summer Holiday Planner (+ FREE Download)

The only Summer Holiday Planner you need this year is BACK! This is my 7th Summer Holiday Planner and the 5th year that can buy the printed A3 poster version (free download will be available as usual). The key to a successful Summer Holiday is in the planning. Nobody, that’s parents, children and clients,  will react well to overwhelm and boredom! But I have you covered, with tips on how to prepare your business for the summer, how to juggle the children AND a colourful Summer Holiday Planner thrown in for good measure! Preparing Your Small Business for the Summer…

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How To Make A Vision Board To Clarify Your Goals

Who knew how much fun a pile of magazines, glue, scissors and a bunch of small business owners could be?! Every year I think I’ll make a Vision Board and I don’t. Why? Because in some ways it feels like a waste of “time”, which when you are self-employed is a precious commodity. How often do we give ourselves permission to sit and cut up magazines? But in reality, a Vision Board is more than just cutting and sticking. Vision Board 2024 What is a Vision Board? Jo from Jo’s Healing Cabin helps to facilitate my annual Vision Board Workshop…

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My Ultimate 40 Before 40 To Do Bucket List

Can you even call yourself a blogger if you don’t have a #40before40 bucket list? In October 2017 I turned 37. It came as a little bit of a shock as I still thought I was in my 20’s. I’m not even sure I feel like an appropriate adult the majority of the time but somehow I’ve found myself a parent of 3 children, a small business owner and navigating my way through life with David (who I’ve spent nearly half my life with now!).  This paragraph has me ageing by the second! Anyway, it got me thinking about doing…

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Adulting Is Not That Easy, 6 Things You Didn’t Know.

As a child, so much of our lives were shrouded in mystery and magic.  Things just happen and get done, it’s like a daily miracle. Now as a fully-fledged responsible adult for 3 other humans and a man-child, I’m struck down by how freaking magnificent my mother was! There are so many things that I never knew about! Like insurance. Why and how are there are sooooooo many types? Instant life insurance a lump sum is paid out on death and with some policies also paying out on the diagnosis of a terminal illness. Wow, that’s a happy thought! Business…

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Three Networking Tips For Remote Workers

Working from home has many benefits, but connecting with others will always be tricky when you’re part of a remote team. No matter which business you’re in, networking is crucial to boosting your career prospects and achieving success. To help you forge better connections within your industry, here are three networking tips for remote workers you can use to grow your professional network when working from home. Three Networking Tips For Remote Workers Stay In The Networking Loop When you work from home, you must actively seek industry updates to hear of any upcoming networking events. However, staying in the…

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