How To Make A Vision Board To Clarify Your Goals

Who knew how much fun a pile of magazines, glue, scissors and a bunch of small business owners could be?! Every year I think I’ll make a Vision Board and I don’t.
Because in some ways it feels like a waste of “time”, which when you are self-employed is a precious commodity.
How often do we give ourselves permission to sit and cut up magazines?
But in reality, a Vision Board is more than just cutting and sticking.

Vision Board 2024 example Joanne DewberryVision Board 2024

What is a Vision Board?

Jo from Jo’s Healing Cabin helps to facilitate my annual Vision Board Workshop says;

“A Vision Board is a collage of images, pictures, and affirmations of your dreams, goals, and things that make you happy. It can also be called a dream board, treasure map, or vision map. Creating a Vision Board can be a useful tool to help you manifest your goals and can serve as a source of motivation as you work towards achieving your dreams. Our minds respond strongly to visual stimulation, so by representing your goals with pictures and images, you will strengthen and stimulate your emotions.”

I prefer the word “vision” as it feels like you are setting up the future whereas “dream” feels a bit like well unicorns 😉 The physical process of making a Vision Board helps you to clarify your ideas, thoughts, feelings, goals, and aspirations for the year ahead. Getting all of these out of your brain and keeping them somewhere you can visually see them as inspiration or motivation.

It’s not rocket science but Jo and I both believe that you shouldn’t overthink your Vision board but instead start by flicking through the magazines and seeing what you are being drawn towards.

In 2019 had a preconceived idea about what images I would use, I had taken with me a photocopy of a painting we bought in Corfu last summer and a Thank MOO card as much of the beginning of 2019 was guided by the closing of Charlie Moo’s.  Once I started to collate all the images I’d cut out I realised they were all pastel colours blues, greens and pinks without even noticing my eye was drawn to these.

Joanne Vision Board
Vision Board 2019

What Do You Need To Make A Vision Board?

Literally, anything goes! Remember this Vision Board is for you! No-one else! I like to make mine in a collage fashion but if you prefer a more rigid structure then go ahead!

  • A3 sheet of card or if you prefer your current goal setting notebook.
  • Magazines and lots of them.
  • Motivational quotes, words, images.
  • Images of your family/home/pets.
  • Glue Stick.
  • Stickers, washi tape.
  • Scissors.
  • Space to cut, stick, collate and if you can add some friends.

If you like the sound of creating a Vision Board but not the cutting and sticking part look at creating your Vision Board online.

Vision Board inside a notebook Vision Board Inside A Notebook 2024  

Planning And Setting Goals Using Your Vision Board

“Energy flows where attention goes.”

The more you focus on something, the more likely you’ll attract it into your life, The Law of Attraction, makes a Vision Board the perfect tool to do this.

For example, my Vision Board for 2019 contained words and phrases “clear out the clutter”, and “time for relaxation” to encourage me to work towards my main goals of decluttering my home office and changing it from a part office/part stock room into somewhere I can relax. I also found numerous words around books, reading, and bestsellers as I really want to get my second book, “Networking A Successful Small Business” out there.

You can’t plan and set goals without thinking about money and it was funny listening to everyone asking “has anyone found any money images or words”. We all wanted to add this, Vicki used lots of images and words associated with money and fanned them around a magnet to show she’s a “money magnet”. Kate used “making money” as her keyword and I used “financially fabulous”.  We are all in business for many, many different reasons and money is one of them. It’s not particularly British to talk about cash, yet all the positive words and affirmations didn’t make it feel vulgar at all.

Once home I added family photos and stickers using my HP Sproket and bullet journal collection until I felt that it was “finished”. I liked to have my images overlapping as if they build into one big goal but you can have lots of blank space around it’s really up to you.

A Vision Board can be a powerful tool in your goal setting, whether that be personal or business.
My 2022 Vision Board for example I used a lot of hearts stickers as I was getting married in July, and because getting married is a major life event I chose to use lots of positive words this year to encourage a mindset rather than be overloaded with goals, including
➕ Say NO to negativity
➕ Nurture your passion
➕ Celebrate your strengths
➕ I strive for joy, not perfection
➕ Try not to compare yourself to others
Vision Board 2022 Joanne Dewberry

Vision Board 2022

My 2023 Vision Board looks at self-care, meditation (my word of the year), and being great with money.
A couple of perfect quotes for me include;
⭐ It’s so important for women to support other women
⭐ Do more of what makes you happy
⭐ I want to encourage women to be the best they can be

example of a vision board 2023Vision Board 2023

Creating A Vision Board Whilst Networking

Turning the process of creating your vision board into a networking event meant conversation naturally flowed. We talked about VA’s, business growth, closing down businesses and rebranding.  The atmosphere was relaxed and informal and it became a learning experience too.

Samantha, Dorset Hill Jewellery I found that the time flew, I never even got a coffee (unheard of!). I’m loving that I didn’t overthink it, the images are all just what drew my eye immediately. My Vision Board is on my bench right now, a little curled as the fires on!”

“This activity has helped me to focus on some specific areas of my life and gives me something visual to help me focus on and work towards my goals.  It was also great to see everyone and have a catch up with other small business owners.” Grainne, Times To Treasure

Creating A Vision Board with Children

Of course, once I started tinkering with mine at home Megan obviously wanted to make one. Unlike me, she had very definite ideas about what she wanted to put on hers. I wasn’t surprised by her desire to find words and images inspired by dancing, especially ballet. We love the ballet. The music, the performance, the soft beat of pointe shoes on the ground, it’s truly a magical experience.  Megan also filled her Vision Board with food and cute pictures of animals! I love her style!

megan vision board

Are you planning to create a Vision Board?
Where do you hang yours so you can see it every day, in your office? In your bedroom?
Do you add to it throughout the year?
I’m always gathering quotes and images collecting for future Vision Boards.

Networking A Successful Small Business

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  1. January 21, 2019 / 8:08 pm

    These look great! I made my own vision board this year and filled it with images of when I was my happiest as a reminder to myself of what is important!
    C x

  2. January 21, 2019 / 9:57 pm

    I remember making collages like this when I was at school/college! I’m glad to see them back in use – quite a few people are posting about them. They can be great motivating tools, it’s nice to not have everything in a digital world (like Pinterest).
    MissPond recently posted..Four Things I’ve Learnt About the Run Commute | RunningMy Profile

  3. February 13, 2019 / 2:41 pm

    I love that you all got together to do this what a fun activity to do together. Yours looks great Joanne well done xx

  4. February 13, 2019 / 8:08 pm

    I’m so sad I missed this session in January, I’ll definitely be coming along next year if you do it again!
    I’m temped to do one with the kids in half term.

    • February 13, 2019 / 8:40 pm

      I’ve loads of magazines and some card leftover if you need any! Will defo do one for 2020 x

  5. March 12, 2019 / 11:17 am

    I remember seeing you all planning this and I really wanted to join you all but I don’t have space / the desire to put it up on my wall. I hate stuff lol I only have photos on my walls not pin boards /posters etc. Anyway, I recently bought a marketing planner and was super excited to see a double page spread to put your vision board on!! So today I am sat on my sofa under a blanket (as I’m not feeling well) with a pile of magazines and the notes I made at our last lemur link up planning networking meet up and I’m raring to go! Reading this article has definitely helped inspire me with what to include. I just wish I had thought about sticking it all in a book beforehand so I could have joined you all. Maybe next year? 😉

  6. October 12, 2021 / 11:04 am

    I used to love doing things like this when younger. It has taken me back! Everything is definitely so digital nowadays, but it’s good to take a break from the screen and do something inspiring 🙂

  7. Pingback: How to Create a Vision Board - My WordPress
  8. Pingback: Goal Setting for Gymnasts... 3 Useful Techniques to Help • Outnumbered by gymnasts
  9. Pingback: How to Make a Vision Board, And Why Visualizing Your Goals Is So Important | according to tash
  10. February 21, 2024 / 7:27 am

    his guide on making a vision board is a valuable tool for realtors to clarify goals and visualize success, offering a practical approach to achieving professional milestones.

  11. May 31, 2024 / 7:53 am

    What a great way of visualising goals for the year and keeping you focused on what you want.

  12. July 9, 2024 / 7:52 am

    These look great! I made my own vision board this year and filled it with images of when I was my happiest as a reminder to myself of what is important!