**Snug Baby was sold in 2012 and no longer trades under this name**
When I get up at about 7am, it’s all go straight away. The hour or so before school seems to be one of the most stressful of the day. I jump in the shower while Lee makes the children their breakfast, then I make Ben’s packed lunch whilst badgering them to brush their teeth, combing my hair and checking emails. Once Ben is at school, Josh and I do some chores and have a play, and generally potter and tidy up before I make us both some lunch. I think spending some one-on-one time with Josh is important, so I try to do as much together as we can, and we talk, read, make things – pretty much anything, but we do it together and chat a lot as we are doing it. We have to eat early as Josh goes to nursery in the afternoons, and starts at 12.30pm, so we usually eat by 11.45am.
After Josh is dropped off, the real work begins. Although the laptop is usually on whenever we are in the house, it’s only when I am home alone that I can actually knuckle down and get some serious work done. So, depending on what I have on, it’s a mixture of emails, admin, accounts, packing orders, sewing, networking and blogging. And that carries on until it’s time to take the dog out before I do the school run, which is usually about 2.45pm. I really enjoy my dog walking time. It’s me time – I wind down a bit and relax and just enjoy my surroundings. I have started trying (and usually failing) to learn how to take decent photographs, so I often take my camera out with me too, and see if anything catches my eye.
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