5 top tips for increasing website exposure

It’s surprising how many people think developing a website is all they need to do to drive traffic, sell products and grow their business. Unfortunately actually building the website is the easiest part, getting people there is not so easy! Top tips for increasing your website exposure.

google analytics

Strive for media attention : 

Few things can boost credibility like getting featured in the media and becoming that go to expert in your business genre. Build relationships with industry press and ensure you report back with newsworthy stories, such as new product developments or expansion into different markets.  Use hashtags such as #journorequest to connect with magazines and journalists on twitter. My local magazine and newspaper hang out during #DorsetHour looking for small business scoop and newsworthy events.  Don’t be afraid to email press direct, many have contact details on their social media bios and online publications.

Utilise SEO :

Search engines can bring an unlimited amount of free traffic. Learning the basics of Search Engine Optimisation can be easier than you think. Alternatively consider hiring somebody with relevant experience. Write engaging evergreen content that your target audience will find beneficial establishing yourself again as that go to person in your business genre.  Develop a website that is built with users/potential customers in mind, don’t be blind sided by pleasing search engines only.

Further Reading : SEO Tips : Panda, Penguin and Beyond

5 Simple SEO Secrets Every Business Should Know

website exposure

Find a marketing channels that works :

The type of product/customer/client will determine which approach to take, whether that’s PPC advertising, social media marketing or affiliate marketing.  We’ve talked before about social media not being a one size fits all, knowing your customers wants/needs and where they all hang it is paramount.

Focus on your users :

I might sound like a huge cliche but building a good website that people enjoy visiting is crucial. Find out what content your visitors like best (this can easily be done using free stats packages like Google Analytics) and focus on delivering content that appeals.  Again this links in with creating that quality evergreen content that keeps your target audience engaged.  I also believe it is worth investing in a good design and clear visuals which make it easy for potential customers to see what you sell/are about and warm to you straight away.  There is nothing worse than a fussy website that has no clear objective nor demonstrates straight away what the customer needs. Or finding tiny photographs or the products you want to buy. The key to a successful website is in the customers user experience so create a good one.

google analytics

Start an e-mail newsletter :

Writing newsletters are a great way to connect with your customers, encourage repeat visits and allow visitors to spread the word about your product or service. Newsletters, unlike some social media which can be hit and miss, is targeted. The information is delivered straight into your customers/subscribers inbox. Using good software also means you are able to track, openings, clicks and orders. Newsletters are still one of the best ways to generate consistent traffic to your website.

Further Reading : Tips for Writing Newsletters

*cough* I’ve heard this one is pretty good! *cough*

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  1. July 12, 2016 / 11:01 am

    I know an email newsletter is a good idea, but I just can’t bring myself to do it. People get so many emails nowadays that I don’t want to add to the pile. Plus I used to have a business newsletter than I put tons of effort into but it never really brought in enough business to justify the time.

    • July 12, 2016 / 11:06 am

      It’s such a tough one! I think my issue with newsletters is consistency. I’m never consistent, but then as a subscriber I always leave newsletters that are too frequent!
      I tend to with this blog just send out updates of content from the blog as a reminder to go read me!

  2. July 12, 2016 / 12:20 pm

    I do send out a Newsletter but I find that it doesn’t always get opened which is a bit disappointing after spending so much time putting it together. I will persist but I’m much more focused on Facebook and my blog at the moment as far as interaction and reach go 🙂

    • July 12, 2016 / 1:22 pm

      Do you share your newsletters onto social media? I sometimes find that open rate is higher than my email list.