4 Ideas To Improve Your Customer Service

Build it and they will come” might have worked for Kevin Costner in Fields of Dreams but this is in no way is true for websites or small businesses. You need to work hard from social media to website development to customer service each part works together to make your small business better and grow to become more profitable.

Customer service is incredibly important, especially if your small business is predominately online.  Don’t underestimate the importance of putting your customer service front and centre of your small business. Many businesses set a budget in outsourcing this task to a call center in the Philippines and other BPO with great BPO services to make sure that every inquiry and concerns are handled properly.  The shopping experience may not be the first reason why that customer came to you, but it will be the reason they go through with their purchase, come back time and time again or recommend you to their friends and family. By providing your customers with good efficient, helpful, friendly customer care means that they associate their purchase with a happy, calm and relaxed feeling = repeat customers.

shop window display

4 Ideas To Improve Your Customer Service

  • Building relationships with your customers : I believe in a friendly, relaxed approach with an emphasis on being authentic, be professional, yes, but there’s no need to be pompous or a formal faceless company. Instead, build and nurture relationships with your customers.
  • Customer technology : Use feedback tools. Implementing feedback channels and taking onboard customer comments, feedback and tracking satisfaction using metrics like NPS (Net Promoter Score). Using a customer feedback platform, like SightMill which provides an easy to use Net Promoter Score software enabling your small business to provide the best customer experience. These tools help make gathering, processing, sharing and responding to feedback easier for all parties involved. Gather feedback by sending out surveys over various social media channels, add surveys to your website and use this data to improve your NPS score over time – and even turn it into something your small business can really shout about.
  • Dealing with customer service requests : Be clear who in your team deals with customer service and complaints.  Have a policy and plan in place that means that everyone knows where they stand including your customers.
  • Asking and acting on customer feedback : Using customer feedback which points out aspects of your product/service that require improvement, not only ensures your small business provides the best product/service to your customers BUT also makes them feel like part of the development process. When we listen to our customers, they feel valued and begin to have positive associations with your brand building loyalty for your small business brand.

marketing your business

What techniques do you use for improving your small business customer service?

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  1. July 2, 2020 / 2:07 am

    Customer service is actually the part that every company needs to invest heavily in retaining customers

  2. July 23, 2020 / 11:24 am

    Thar are the good ideas to improve customer service.