Charlie Moo’s business lesson #1

I don’t normally write anything very personal on here but I thought I’d share a very sweet and relevant story about my beautiful little boy Charlie Moo.   Charlie Moo is 3 and the name sake of my other business Charlie Moo’s.  Since I started Charlie Moo’s and more so once Networking Mummies was established my children have played a role in business networking.  I have been known to take a baby Megan to meetings with myself and Laura Morris, but as they are 2 and 3, Pre-school has enabled me more time away from them.  Which is great for time managing the business.   I do however still meet many business mums at the park and soft play, its a great way to network and the kids have fun.

Until today though I’d never actually thought about the impact of this on my children.  I’m aware that Moo especially understands that unlike many mummies I work from home, to buy toys and washing machines 😉

So picture the scene Moo is chef/cafe owner he has lined up a collection of stuffed ‘friends‘ on the sofa and has a piece of paper and pencil taking orders.  Megan has been given a toy hoover and is cleaning, there’s a small stool with till on.  Moo is chatting away to his ‘customers‘ while Megan is having a sing along to herself.

Charlieand what pudding Mummy Bear?

Mummy Bear apparently would like ice-cream.

Charlie –  OK you eaten all your fish and cheese you can have ice-cream.

He toddles off to make some ‘ice-cream‘ now while they have been engrossed in play I have been listening and pinning fabric.

MeMoo you’re an excellent cafe owner.

Charlieyes mummy it’s all about customer service.

Customer service‘  I have a mini me in the making 😉  Never underestimate what little ears hear!

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