The Importance of Reading for Children

Reading and other areas of literacy development are really key for children who are looking for new ways to build on their confidence, emotions, feelings and understanding of the world. While they hold practical benefits, they also develop a lot of other benefits as well. Here are some reasons why it is important to allow children to continually read.

improtance of reading for children

Helps children with their literacy confidence:

Being confident helps a child naturally pick up a book and learn to pick up new words and phrases all of the time. The more you read together, the greater your child’s chances are of developing their English language skills. And it helps your child if they can pick out books that they want to enjoy rather than you suggesting particular books. If you let your child pick the stories they want to read they’re more likely to explore other genres.

Allows children to explore all kinds of genres:

From the fantasy books we all know and love, to science fiction, dystopian worlds and real life stories – your child can have them all at their fingertips. Reading regularly helps your child learn to explore other areas when they are developing their skills, and it will help them discover lots of different topics that books cover. In fact, you will probably be able to find a book on just about anything!

Allows your child to broaden their worldview:

A lot of stories are about the struggles we are all faced with and how they can be overcome. Children can learn about these moments from an early age, who can then relate to other issues they have to fictional characters. While the scenarios may be different between a child and a character, their thoughts and feelings will be very much relatable. This is why it’s a very important aspect of reading on a regular basis – to help your child break down barriers and develop their own opinions.

Helps prepare children for the future:

In all walks of school life your child will have to read, write and communicate. All of these skills together will help your child learn how to understand essay writing or comprehend a question that they’ve been asked.

In an exam environment, your child will have to read almost everything in front of them, which may seem like a way off from your child’s studies now but they will become crucial before you know it.

Having a good grasp of your reading from an early age brings many benefits to children, and that is why they are pushed down this path even from nursery age. Thankfully, private primary schools in West Sussex, as example, direct children to improve their reading ability as they get older. 

We are constantly learning from books – let’s show children what they could be missing!

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