Boosting Your Employees’ Careers Through Learning English

Language lessons can open up new career opportunities for your staff and English is one of the most beneficial languages to learn in today’s increasingly connected world. In fact, in many industries, knowing English is a necessity to open doors and provide fulfilling opportunities. Here’s how business owners can encourage career growth for their staff with English learning. 

Boosting Your Employees’ Careers Through Learning English

Boost Confidence:

Being fluent in a language, particularly if it’s not your first language, can be an incredible confidence boost and can really improve your self-esteem. The chances of your staff being hired for a role are much higher if they have English knowledge on their side, but it can also affect an employee’s confidence if they don’t feel like they can communicate or express themselves properly. Online English classes are a convenient way for employees to build up their knowledge at a pace that suits them and enables them to put their skills to good use within your business as their skill set builds. 

Better Connections With Others:

Being able to connect with others, whether that’s colleagues, clients and customers, or suppliers and third parties, is an essential element of any business. Ensuring your staff have the ability to communicate clearly can assist with these connections, helping them to build relationships and foster better connections with others, which can be a positive for your business overall. 

Greater Earning Potential:

There’s a demand for English skills in virtually every industry and sector, and research suggests that individuals can earn as much as 10 times more if they know English. That’s a significant rise in salaries and can make a huge difference to someone’s life and career. With so many people still lacking English skills, it’s a valuable addition to any individual’s CV that can provide them with excellent earning potential and makes them more competitive in the job market. 

Unlock International Opportunities:

You don’t need to relocate to get a job abroad anymore, thanks to technological advances. However, you do need to have the necessary skills to be able to carry out the job in question. For many international roles, this means language skills – specifically, English. Perhaps you’re looking to expand your business to international markets or want to be able to consider the possibility in the future – encouraging your employees to learn English can help them if they choose a position where this will be necessary and gives you (and them) the option to progress later on. 

Stay Relevant: 

Regardless of the industry, you work in, whether it’s design, science and engineering, or sales, you’ll need English on your side to stay up to date with the latest developments in your industry. For example, it may be the case that your employees don’t need English to carry out their specific role, but they do need to understand it to watch lectures, attend conferences or look up documentation on new technologies and advancements. Having these skills makes the additional aspects of a job easier, or even possible in some cases, ensuring that staff are staying relevant at all times. 

A Cultural Asset:

The language of the media is English and without this knowledge, your staff could be alienated from a whole host of cultures, from books and films to TV and music. It’s one of the primary languages of the internet too. This might not seem relevant to the workplace, but consider how your marketing and sales team or social media professionals will be able to carry out their job properly without cultural knowledge? 

It’s ingrained in how we operate and reach wider audiences, and without knowledge of English, it can be hard for people to stay on the right wavelength. Learning English will help your employees integrate more easily but it also helps them to grow as a person and delve into the culture. 

Final Thoughts:

English is a valuable language to learn, whether your staff have aspirations to work in a specific field, want to be able to communicate with others more effectively or simply feel part of the team and local culture. Investing in your employees’ English skills is a great way to build a talented workforce as it has a knock-on effect on so many other areas of your business. 

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