New Book: Networking A Successful Small Business by Joanne Dewberry

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So I FINALLY did it!
I finally wrote that difficult networking business book, that second book which I’ve been working on for far far too long. I’m proud to announce “Networking A Successful Small Business” is available to purchase and boy was that a learning curve!

For years I knew I wanted to write a networking business book it just took a stupidly long time to get all my thoughts and ideas down on paper. The longer it took the more I began to lose confidence in myself. Did people really need/want a networking business book and then something always stopped me? However, everything changed in 2018 when I joined an accountability group I finally wrote my first draft.
Then it took another year to edit, format and generally be happy with what was produced, but when the proof copy arrived the overwhelming sense of pride and accomplishment pushed me forward to hit the “publish” button.

On the 15th of May 2020, I became the proud author of not one but two books.

Joanne Dewberry holding networking a successful small business book

So here I am, Joanne Dewberry, Dorset small business writer and mother of 3 launching my second book “Networking A Succesful Small Business” amidst the confusion and uncertainty of the COVID19 lockdown.  Sound business planning right!

It might seem like a peculiar time in which to launch a book about networking when we aren’t able to leave our homes or be within 2 metres of people but having run various networking groups and events since 2009, I know without my network I wouldn’t have got through the past few months. 

Small business networking has amassed a bit of a bad reputation, think suits and awkward conversations in a room full of people trying to sell to you. You can see why people tend to avoid it. However, the correct type of networking is not only vital but also an inexpensive tool for your small business. 

I currently co-run Lemur Linkup Networking Group as well as organising monthly Self-employed Team Building Socials and netwalking events, anything that gets people together in one space talking, once you get to know people conversations naturally and organically turn to business, sales and collaboration. The key is in the getting to know you part, not the sales part.


Networking A Successful Small Business will talk you through;

  • Why your business needs to network. 
  • How to find and prepare for networking events. 
  • Communication and body language.
  • Developing and building relationships. 
  • Networking labels, what kind of networker are you. 
  • Networking goals and collaborations.

Filled with quotes and anecdotes from a plethora of small business owners, this book makes essential reading for anyone looking to network their way to success!

“Honest, practical and packed full of good ideas. I love the focus on wellbeing and long term relationships. So relevant for all freelancers and small business owners, but especially mums.” Susan Odev, Author Mumultrapreneur

“Networking A Succesful Small Business” published 15th May 2020
ISBN 978-1-5272-6149-5 (paperback) via Amazon
Review copies available on request

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