13 Whopping Business Blog Mistakes You’re Making Right Now

Business blog mistakes happen all the time, and there is not much you can do to prevent them. However, you can reduce how many happen and address the ones you have already made. This is critical to getting your business website back on track both in terms of technical aspects for search engines and for the sake of your customers/users. It can also be a long process with technical challenges, from implementing SEO correctly to amending the overall UI and UX.

 13 Whopping Business Blog Mistakes You're Making Right Now

Not Using Modern Tools and Systems:

Blogs and websites, in general, have changed substantially since the early days. No longer is a blog just one person’s blurb about life, but blogs now come in many shapes and forms. Even the most basic modern blog had what would be considered advanced systems a few years ago. For example, AI website chat services can enhance the usability and ranking of even the smallest, minimal-traffic blog, as it allows your users to quickly find the services they are looking for.

Failing to Use SEO Correctly, if at All:

Even as a non-technical user, you must learn the basics of search engine optimization (SEO) to make your site work for you and your audience. SEO, at its most basic level, helps a search engine determine your content to better display results for users. Try these for better SEO:

  • Do proper keyword research to direct a search engine and users to your content.
  • Stuffing keywords into content in the hopes you will get more traffic. You won’t.
  • Ignoring the benefits of local SEO to cater to a specific niche and local audience.
  • Pay for an external service to form a backlink strategy with SEO and PPC.

At the very least, you must include a focus keyword to determine the scope of each page or post on your website. There are useful ways to use keywords, and this is one of the challenges of SEO. SEO, such as backlinking, is also a powerful way to boost your traffic and authority.

Business Blog Mistakes Include a Lack of Purpose:

There are many successful blogs out there that are very generic and without any real direction. However, this is not the most efficient way to develop a blog. As a business, you won’t be focused on everything anyway. For example, you don’t need to discuss baking cakes as a sheet metal manufacturer. Over 80% of blogs fail in the first year and a half, and a lack of defined purpose is one of the biggest reasons. Keep content relevant and within your niche’s sector. 

Not Identifying the Target Audience:

Similar to lack of purpose, not knowing who your target audience is can throw your blog in the wrong direction. When you know for whom you are writing, a blog’s purpose becomes much clearer, and you can continue with intrepid momentum. The first step to finding a target audience is by looking at your customer base. Who are they, how old are they, and what do they buy? These are some of the questions you should ask as you tailor the content of your blog.

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Using an Outdated Interface or Theme:

Building a blog yourself with a service like WordPress or Wix is often the first step for many bloggers. As a business, you may or may not do this, and a professional web designer can build a blog for you. However, managing the blog is another thing, and most designers don’t include this in their service. This means your blog can become outdated in terms of usability and how it looks. It is recommended you update the website theme around every three to four years.

No Regular testing of Site Elements:

There are a lot of things that can negatively impact your blog or website. Over time, they can become filled with unnecessary data, like cache data, and this introduces bugs and errors. These can then lead to technical issues and security problems. You must be proactive in keeping your blog efficient and secure. At the very least, minify code and test security often. Optimise media such as images, and check your blog with Google PageSpeed Insights often.

Not Updating for the User Experience:

A major topic in web and blog design right now is the user experience, often referred to as UX. This is because Google and other search engines now include a site’s usability in the ranking process. But how do you keep up with UX design? Here are a few useful suggestions:

  • Take inspiration from reputable competitors in your niche or sector.
  • Learn more about proper UX design from newsletters and online communities.
  • Attend conferences arranged for UX professionals and customers alike.
  • Follow well-known UX designers on social media and other platforms.
  • Test updates with A and B design to see which users favour the best.
  • Share ideas on UX forums and sites and ask for feedback on them.
  • Optimise your UX for a modern audience, such as being mobile-friendly.

There’s nothing wrong with seeing how the competition is handling things and heading in the same direction to keep things fresh. You can also find inspiration by following the work of well-known UX designers and using modern, expected adaptations like responsiveness.

Staggered Posts and Site Updates:

There are numerous metrics that search engines use when deciding where to rank your blog. One of them is the work you put into it, such as how often you post and if there is a pattern. If Google can see a clear posting schedule and pattern, such as every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, then it knows you are actively adding value to your blog. Therefore, it is more likely to increase your ranking and the placement of your post on the search engine results page.

Leaving Out Other Types of Media:

Text-only posts can make your blog posts look unprofessional, and it can be hard for a user to read. However, this will also contribute to a drop in ranking because it goes against your usability rating. So, a modern post needs to be structured well and easy to follow. Some examples include breaking up text into smaller chunks of three to five sentences, strategic placement of relevant images, and including externally linked rich media such as YouTube-embedded videos.

Using Generic Post Titles:

A lot of bloggers out there don’t really place much stock in a post title. But the title is the first thing a user will see on the results page, so it needs to catch attention. A post title should include aspects of SEO, such as focus keywords. But it should also include emotional words that entice a user to click the link. A good post title should match the content, such as a “How To” post because it is what the user is looking for anyway. And above all, avoid click-bait titles.

Business Blog Mistakes Includes No CTA:

As a business, your content should be geared toward sales. But it doesn’t help to just plaster promotional material all over your blog. It needs to be subtle and strategic because obvious advertising often doesn’t work in content that is supposed to be valuable to the reader. That being said, a single Call-to-Action (CTA) is fine for a sales-driven post or a landing page. Another way to increase sales is to include subtle and relevant text links within your post’s content.

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Improper Use of a Focus Keyword:

You don’t need to spend much time researching multiple keywords for tour content. Sure, keyword lists can help, but you can risk stuffing your content. That’s why some experts recommend using a single focus keyword only. But how do you go about this? Try these:

  • Spend time targeting a high search volume, low competition focus keyword.
  • Use the focus keyword in the title, meta description, URL and at least one header.
  • Also, make sure to place the focus keyword in the first and last copy paragraphs.
  • Use your chosen focus keyword in at least one image Alt tag if you have images.

Finding a great focus keyword can be time-consuming. Tools like Jaaxy and Uber Suggest can help you catch high volume low competition keywords that increase your ranking chances. You must also ensure you use the keyword correctly as outlined above and never stuff the content.

Not Integrating Social Media Functionality:

There are over 5 billion social media users today. So you cannot ignore social media as a business, and especially not as a blogger since they so easily integrate with each other. Imagine a user finds a great post on your blog, but alas, there is no way to share the link. You have lost out on more potential sales that could be shared across millions of posts and profiles. Site builders like Wix have easily integrated social media tools you can include in your blog.


Ignoring modern tools like social media buttons and systems such as AI and chatbots are some of the biggest business blog mistakes you can make today. You must also keep your UI and UX fresh and always ensure you use SEO and keywords correctly to improve your site ranking.

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