Developing Your Business Brand

Branding is a key part of developing a business, now more so than ever. Branding isn’t just a pretty logo and a snazzy name, with the rise of social media how you portray your brand online is just as important. A well thought out brand is what will set you apart from other small businesses in your genre.

branding tips Joanne Dewberry There are a few details to consider when you develop your brand that I believe to be key. Logos, telling a story, consistency and not being afraid to fail.

Logos : 

Logos are the normally the first thing customers will see and remember about your brand.  It’s important to consider that logos can take time to develop and grow with your brand. What works for you in the beginning might not in 3 years time. Sometimes brand development can come from a change in direction, more money in the budget or even just to give your business a spruce up.

Telling a story :

Story telling marketing is becoming more and more important. The story behind your brand can sometimes be more influential than the product itself. This is a huge development in marketing derived from social media and the traditional methods of advertising no longer at the forefront of a business.  Having a simple about us page will no longer suffice, you need to interact with your customers in a unique and engaging way.  The Ronseal Story is a great example

Consistency :

  • Colours : make sure you know the colour codes for your branding. That way you can easily use them to make any website/social media/design work tailored exactly to your brand. Knowing my colour codes for meant I could easily adjust the colours of this pipdig theme to match my old website.  Nobody wants an array of marketing materials all in various shades of pink!
  • Social Media : Be consistent with your social media names. I know I confuse people slightly because all of mine are CharlieMoos but this business came first and I wanted to utilise my already active followers to promote this blog. BUT I am consistent that all my social media accounts are CharlieMoos. If you can’t have your business name in full or someone already has it meaning you have to add symbols or numbers etc.. ensure you do this for all your accounts. ie. If I had to have @_CharlieMoos for twitter I’d want the same handle for Instagram, Vine etc. so as not to confuse followers. Personally I’d opt out of adding numbers example @CharlieMoos123 and consider using your domain name ie. @CharlieMooscouk Keeping your social media streamlined is paramount.

Not being afraid to fail :

Brands take time to develop and grow.  We all learn from our mistakes and ultimately we have to listen to our gut. If something isn’t working you need the courage to steer your business back on course. In 2011 Claire talked us through rebranding her successful business “Nanny Numbers” to “Zest Payroll Solutions” a more grown up and a less niche brand.  I still converse with Claire on social media and 5 years later I know she doesn’t regret making that change. However it takes courage to say this isn’t right, we need to make a change. Failure isn’t the end it’s a chance to learn and grow.

Whilst writing the Branding chapter of my book Crafting a Successful Small Business I developed a list of questions to ask yourself about your brand and what it stands for, this questionnaire has also been filled out by various businesses too included in the back.

Other branding content :

business branding tips

Photo Credit | Shutterstock

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