Why should you consider undertaking small business training?

Way back when I was working in childcare I decided to start doing a degree with the OU. After the birth of Megan I took a bit of a break but 18 months ago picked it back up again (well mostly because I was told too as the degree I’m on is ending!) A degree in Childcare and Management no longer really suited my current situation with that in mind I decided to pick up some modules in Business Studies and complete more of a generic BSc Degree. Even though by this point I’d been running my own business for 4 years I knew it wouldn’t do me any harm learning a few basic skills and actual theory.

It’s OK to admit that starting a business is something that “kinda happened”.  Many people start a business because their circumstances change ie. having children, becoming unemployed, some even have a lightbulb moment and invent something but 9 times out of 10 the running of the business is actually secondary to the business itself. Although so many skills can be transferred into being a small business owner there is always room for improvement. Nobody expects you to know everything there is to running a small business – heck we are all learning on the job everyday! (well I am!)

Why should you consider undertaking small business training? 

  • It’s really useful to learn business theory and how this applies in real life.
  • Business Plans. Many small business courses assist you in writing a small business plan and going through all the steps that this involves.  How many of us actually wrote one in the first place? Or think we have the time to dedicate to writing one? Or even know how to?  Or worse even have one in the draw that hasn’t been looked at in years!
  • Planning your finances. One of my modules went through how to organise your finances, spreadsheets and looking at and understanding basic cashflow. These are such useful exercises even if you think your on the ball or you have an accountant.
  • Marketing.  Social media can become so consuming as a form of marketing that it’s easy to forget there was another way! I love learning about marketing and trying out new ways to develop and grow my small business.
  • Time management. Not only can you learn some key time management skills BUT most courses are available online meaning that you don’t need to schedule in classes or tutorials. You can complete the course at your own leisure.
  • You have a ready made case study.  I love that having my own business gives me something to try out these new found skills, theories and actually have finances to get in order! Putting theories into practice is the best way to learn.


What courses are available? 

There are a plethora of courses available from small online how to’s to proper formal qualifications and certifications.  One thing to consider is the time aspect required in completing a course. How long will you need realistically and does this fit with your current circumstances?

Have you considered or undertaken any small business training? I’d be interested to hear? I’ve heard you can do social media certifications now too! If only the OU offered this!


Photo Credit : Shutterstock

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