Summer Holiday Sanity Tips for Busy Working Mums in Business

Being a busy mumpreneur / working mum can be complicated at the best of times but the summer holidays can be a logistical nightmare. For me I pretty much go into shut down for the summer and spent quality time with the Moo’s.

Be Organised
For weeks now I have been filling the calender with free events – your local library not only has the reading challenge on but you will find they are also have lots of free arts and crafts workshops on, the FA skills football sessions are 2 hours and again free.  Dorset County Council publishes a book with 30 pages of events/activities some paid and some free. I’ve booked days out with friends and a certain little lady is turning 6. So my holiday is organised already. I’ve been doing this for the past few years as I find that if I have planned activities to do the arguing that can sometimes occur from children with too much time diminishes! It also means they are much more amenable to me saying I need 30 minutes to check my emails.

You should already be thinking and implementing social medial scheduling as common practice.

If you get a rare day whereby you can do some work – maybe it’s raining and you have pitched up at soft play to utilise the free wifi, or Nanny popped by and left with the children (if you are reading this – yes please nanny!) It can be easy to try and be as proactive as possible excessive tweeting, Facebook updates and pinning like nuts to make up for days of silence. Well STOP!

  • Use scheduling facilities in order to post things consistently for a few days/weeks rather than all in one go.
  • Facebook has its on facility as does Twitter which gets a much higher reach and than 3rd party app.
  • Apps like Buffer and Hootsuite can allow you to schedule updates for most platforms.
  • Schedule blog posts if you have the chance to write a couple don’t be tempted to hit publish all at the same time. Each post will get more views, interaction etc .. if you they go live over a few days/weeks.

summer hols

Most of us work from home or run our own businesses to have a flexible working environment where we can at the drop of a hat go pick a sick child up. Never miss a school assembly or sports day. We shouldn’t forget that actually the summer holiday is the best time to enjoy the fruits of our labour! We work most weekends and evenings until 3am so that we can have fun in the sun!

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