Christmas Employee Rewards 5 Ideas They Are Guaranteed To Love

When you are self-employed and running a small business it’s really important to celebrate your successes and even more important when your customers thank you and recommend you to others. But what about when you employ staff or hire freelancers, how often do you celebrate, praise or reward their successes? It’s really important to create a culture of praise, we do this all the time with our children and yet omit the adults, work colleagues/employees and networking friends in our life. Make a practice of praising people for the small steps as well as the big achievements. Just think how you feel when someone praises you (or says thank you for something you did). It’s empowering, praise and recognition it has a direct impact on levels of engagement and productivity.

Whilst adopting a culture of praise might not come naturally to most people, it can be even harder when you are in a position of authority so look to reward them at seasonal opportunities. Christmas employee rewards are one of the easiest ways to praise and celebrate your employees and everyone will love them!

Christmas Employee Rewards 5 Ideas They Are Guaranteed To Love:

Christmas Employee Rewards 5 Ideas They Are Guaranteed To Love

  1. Christmas Breakfast, Lunch or Dinner: Literally who is not motivated by food? Plus a meal together is a lovely way to network and get to know each other in a more relaxed environment than the office.
  2. Christmas Jumper Day: Thursday 8th December. Who doesn’t love an excuse to dress up and you can raise money for Save the Children UK charity too? Add some cakes and maybe some gingerbread syrup to your daily lattes and you have yourself a little Christmas shindig!
  3. Christmas Eve Treat Box: This is a popular activity for families, we do hot chocolate and new pyjamas on Christmas Eve and you can do something similar with your employees. You can fill a Christmas Eve Gift Box with goodies and treats. Indulgent Christmas foods, drinks and maybe a gift card to download a Christmas Movie is a great way to treat your employees and I’m sure everyone will be talking about their Christmas Eve Boxes in January!
  4. Panto Night: Many, many moons ago when I worked in childcare we used to go to see the local panto every year. Oh no, you didn’t 😉 Honestly, nothing signifies the start of Christmas celebrations like a panto. I still take my children every year now. It’s a great way to support local theatres, have a fun night out and reward your employees, oh yes it is!
  5. Team Building Activities: Doing things as a team is always a great way to reward your employees for their hard work and if you can add a bit of a competition element all the better. We always have great fun at my Self-employed Team Building Socials doing archery and rifle shooting and the fact that someone is a winner at the end acts as a motivator and adds much hilarity!

How will you reward your employees (or even yourself if you are on your own) this Christmas?

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