Want To Work Better? De-clutter!

As we head deeper into July it can only mean one thing. The summer holidays are fast approaching! I don’t know about you but I love spending less time in my home office and more time in the sunshine with the children. However I could really do without my office becoming a dumping ground! It happens every school break and I spend days getting it back in order. OK that’s an outright lie! (Sorry Mum) My office is a huge mess, books, scraps of paper, general clutter everywhere from May Half Term! Oh the shame!

“Stuff” has a detrimental effect on our brains: 

Did you know, that too much clutter around the house can have a significant impact on your overall well-being? Excess stuff, junk, and clutter can inhibit our brains from reaching their optimal functioning capacity. This must be why I spend so long procrastinating on Facebook! *starts to tidy office* But of course, we like our sentimental things, and a display cabinet (well spaced and stocked of course) can be just the right compromise between too much stuff and the stuff we really love.

De-cluttering your home office can be easier than you think:

De-clutter as your day progresses. ie. Open, sort, and organise your post straight away.  Just like with our Do it, Ditch it, Delegate it technique for organising our emails, take the same approach with the post. Also, shred any unwanted paper/envelopes when they arrive rather than piling them up. Avoid using the printer, look at how you store your files on and offline, before you know it you’ll be a paperless office and your productivity will increase.

The de-cluttering process requires a systematic approach. If your home office/house is really bad look at a more manageable bite size approach taking one room or one box at a time and working your way through to a de-clutter, stress-free working and living environment. Keep on top of daily chores, clearing away dirty coffee cups, emptying bins, and dusting. Being organised and de-cluttering doesn’t just look good but it feels good!

Do you have any top tips for keeping your home office area de-cluttered and stress-free? I’d love to hear them.

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