4 Tips for Starting a Small Business With a Disability

With the rise of technology and social media, starting a small business is easier now than ever. This makes it a perfect fit for someone with a disability or additional needs, by providing them with the opportunity to generate their own income without the limitations, restrictions and accessibility issues associated with traditional employment opportunities. With so many online small business tools available and plenty of funding in place, especially if you need require any additional support, such as wheelchair-accessible vehicles, or adapted premises, there really is no stopping you.

4 Tips for Starting a Small Business With a Disability: 

Starting a Small Business With a Disability

  1. Working from Home: There are a plethora of small businesses you can start from home from making and selling crafts on Etsy to copywriting to drop shipping. The best place to start when deciding what type of small business to start, is to consider your own skills, talents; what are you most passionate or knowledgeable about? What makes you happy? No point in starting a business if it doesn’t make you happy! Working from home limits the need for adaptation, reduces costs and provides you with better flexibility when it comes to working hours.

  2. Network: (You knew I would say this!) Find local and national networks of like-minded people who can keep you up to date with funding opportunities and legislation, as well as provide support, guidance, and develop key connections and relationships. Contact organisations such as the Federation of Small Businesses, local Chambers of Commerce or Disabled Entrepreneurs who can put you in touch with the right people. Making the right kind of connections will help your business flourish, as well as help you to build it into something successful.

  3. Accounting Proper accounting software can help your small business succeed by giving you insights into the overall financial health of your company, offering a precise report of your cash flow, demonstrating opportunities for growth, and keeping you organized and accurate when filing your taxes.
  4. Establish an Online Presence: From building a website to setting up social media accounts, there are lots of great platforms to build up your visibility, business credibility and develop relationships with potential customers. We all know the power of great marketing and this is definitely something which you should put some time and effort into in order to get your name out there and start getting recognition.

What top tips do you have for starting a small business with a disability? Let me know in the comments.

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