Keeping Control of Your Small Business Power Costs

In most places, when you run a small business you are in direct competition with an awful lot of other companies. Often, these firms are far bigger than yours. Usually, they benefit from economies of scale that enable them to keep their costs low. Unfortunately, this can make it hard for you to sell your products and services for a competitive price.

However, it is still possible for you to compete. The key to being able to do this is keeping your own overheads as low as possible. To help you to do this we have put together some easy to implement ways to keep control your power bills.

business premises

Shop around for your power and fuel :

Controlling how much you spend on energy and fuel is essential. It is one of the biggest overheads that businesses face. Taking simple steps like buying your heating oil from commercial fuel suppliers, and switching to the best gas and electric tariffs can make a huge difference.

Somebody in your company should be tasked with shopping around for the best fuel and power deals. If you run vehicles, go online look for the best price in your area and try to get everyone to use that petrol station. Update this information every day, and provide your employees with a simple way to check the chosen refuelling station before they fill up. It sounds silly, but you will save a fair bit of money by doing this.

Work in an energy efficient way :

Install a smart meter in your business premises, so you can spot spikes and understand how you are using energy in the workplace. Consider fitting movement sensor lights, and make sure that everyone turns off their PC terminals at the power point, each night. If they are going to a meeting that is likely to keep them away from their desk for more than an hour get them to do the same.

Insulate your building : 

If your work premises are not insulated, get this done. Also, take the time to draught proof your building as well.

Keep the thermostat low : 


You should also control the temperature of your business premises. Set your thermostat as low as you can without breaking the law or making your place of work too uncomfortable to work in. If you serve members of the public you be careful to make sure that your premises are kept at a comfortable temperature.

Turn heating off in unoccupied areas : 

If you are not using an office, or display space, shut the door and turn the heating off. You would be surprised by how often businesses inadvertently end up heating empty space. Surprisingly, a lot of firms do not even turn their heating off over the weekend.

Choose energy saving equipment : 

When you buy kit or machinery for your business, check the energy ratings. If it makes financial sense to do so, buy the piece of equipment that has the best energy rating. This is especially important when buying things like fridges that have to be left on 24/7. You can use this tool to help you to work out which item offers you the best deal in terms of electricity consumption.

Photo Credit | Shutterstock

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