Why You Shouldn’t Use the Apple Giveback Service

Keeping your home office user friendly and having a work environment that maintains productivity is what a lot of us want. That’s why it is time to declutter.

There’s a lull in work for the time being with lots of cities locked down, and after reading about interior design and how things could be, it’s time to create some balance in your workspace.

standing desk

Recycle old electronics : 

For years, Apple products have been simple electronic items to use. Easy to set up with easy step-by-step guides and they seem to work all of the time the way you want, so you’d think it would be just as simple to recycle your old iThing and use the Apple giveback service, right?


Lots of us have old gadgets that we don’t use lying around the home: in kitchen drawers or somewhere in the home office. As humans, we tend to hoard items that we might want to use in the future: “…you never know, I might need it!”. If any of the electronic items you’ve saved for later are made by Apple, then you could trade them in with Apple’s giveback service and receive a credit towards future purchases.

However, there is one significant downside. You only receive vouchers to use with Apple on new purchases if you do it with them, so you’ll still need to buy another electronic device. Something else that isn’t so great is that you will receive a lot less money (or vouchers) for your device than you would have done if you’d sold it privately. In general, people usually receive double the amount if they used a different recycling company that wasn’t Apple.

Older devices and they’re worth :

money small business

Some older devices can still be sold for a reasonable price to companies other than Apple. For example, if you wanted to sell your iPhone SE, then some companies will pay up to £100 for this specific device (depending on its condition), whereas Apple will offer you nothing. 

If it’s condition is less than perfect : 

It’s strange when we look at recycling electronic items like iPhones and iPads. They are used a lot, which means scratches are inevitable. Although, it doesn’t always seem that way when you come to trade it in for a newer device.

When using a marketplace to recycle an item, you can choose what condition your product currently represents (like new, good, poor, etc.). However, lots of people have complained in online forums that after the Apple agent has received the device, they often downgrade its quality rating no matter which level you choose.

mobile device damage

Finding an old iThing in the back of your desk drawer doesn’t seem such a great find after all, does it?

What are the alternatives? :

Lots of people use a recycling service like Plunc, where you can sell your own Apple device and control how much you get from it and in cash. You’re not locked into buying another electronic device if you don’t want one either. You’re helping the environment by reusing and recycling and not needlessly buying another Apple product because you have some store credit.

It’s also super easy, and everything can be completed from home – unlike Apple, which commonly requires you to drop the device off at one of their retail stores. Something that could be a little challenging in current times.

You’d think that the manufacturers of a product would give the most amount for recycling with them, but it seems profits are more important to this multi-national.

Security first : 

secure passwords

Whatever device you have and wherever you choose to give it a new home, ensure you have backed up any data and then wiped that data from it. Double-check this too. Any data left on there that fall into the wrong hands could lead to some unpleasant conversations with the Information Commissioner’s Office over breaches in GDPR and personal data. 

Conclusion : 

Organizing your home office creates healthy decluttering habits and routines that give you much-needed space and calmness, and helps generate good vibes. Commonly, some items get placed in a drawer and are forgotten about: after all, clients and projects need to come first.

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