Laptop Specs to Consider Before Starting a Blog

While it might seem like a long time ago since everybody and their mum was blogging, the truth is that there is still a lot of success to be had from a blog today if you use the right strategies. While personal blogs telling everyday stories might have moved over to the realm of social media, informational blogs where readers and viewers can find a wide range of content types offering information that is valuable, informational, and helpful to them can go a long way. Monetising your blog is a great way to earn an income, too, with plenty of options to consider including affiliate programs, display ads, and more. 

If you want to get into blogging as a side hustle or a career, here are the specs to consider when buying a new PC or laptop for it. 

Laptop Specs to Consider Before Starting a Blog:

Laptop Specs to Consider Before Starting a Blog

Battery Life:

For many bloggers, the idea of being able to fit blogging around their everyday life is the most appealing option. If this sounds like you and you want to be able to blog whenever you want and wherever you are, then good battery life is going to be one of the main things to think about when starting your blog. Check out laptops that you can rely on to last a very long time on a full charge, so you don’t get cut off in the middle of writing blog posts. 

Graphics Card:

While technically you don’t need a dedicated graphics card for blogging at all, as you are mainly going to be writing which is handled perfectly well by the CPU, it might be worth considering a dedicated graphics card like the Lenovo Intel® Arc™ Graphics in some cases. For example, if you are planning to make videos to accompany your blog posts, a powerful dedicated graphics card can make all the difference to how your computer and video editing programs perform. 


If you are planning to do a lot of writing for your blog, then the last thing that you want is a laptop that’s falling apart from all the work you are doing after just a few months. It’s a good idea to invest in a sturdy laptop that is made from durable materials. Laptops that are designed for business, rather than consumer use might be worth looking into as these are usually built to withstand heavier than average use. 


Last but not least, if you’re starting a blog then the more RAM you can get, the better. Blogging often means that you are doing a lot of multi-tasking and might have a range of apps and tabs open including your word processing software, image banks and image finders, website building or blogging software, and more. This means that your computer is often going to be doing a lot of things at the same time, in which case, having a lot of RAM will ensure that it can do this smoothly. 

No matter what topic you want to start a blog about, getting the right specs when choosing your laptop will make all the difference to your success.

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