New Look …

This blog has been running for a year now! OMG!
Where does the time go??
I felt it was important to rebrand as I’m not the only Dorset Business Mum of the Year .. there’s a new one Angela Fletcher – Rock Recruitment congratulations Angela!

I’ve a completely new look!
Thanks to Creatively Minded who used my ramblings and google links (haha) to design my love ‘Dewberry’ logo and banner and IanH Photography for my beautiful headshot – you wouldn’t know I was heavily pregnant at the time.

So what have I done in the last year??
Well since June 2010 I have increased my awards and achivement list.

I’ve also been writing award applications for some other amazing businesses and I can’t wait to see how well they do! It’s been exciting to see clients awarded with MumpreneurUK website awards already including a Gold for Beauty and the Bib.

I’ve been writing a lot more business articles for other people not just this site. I really enjoy writing and have lots of ideas for other projects so keep an eye out!! I’ve also really enjoyed blogging and learning all about it. I even gave a talk and wrote an e-book all about how to blog for your business.

Charlie Moo’s has a whole new range of products and Networking Mummies UK grew into 5 branches! Which considering started with Laura ( and I chatting at a Toddler Group 2 years ago is super exciting!

And finally the biggest thing that happened this year is we increased our Moo family by 1!
I still can’t believe I have 3 children!! After a stressful pregnancy on the 20th May 2011 we were delighted to welcome Olive into the world.

Although Olive only weighed 5lbs and we spent a few days in the hospital, she’s doing really well now beefing up nicely and as you can see M&M love her!!  It’s funny how you worry about it before hand but once they arrive it suddenly all slots into place! It’s not easy juggling the three of them but ….. I think I must be addicted to an uber manic life! 😉

Finally …. I’d like to say thanks to everyone for joining in this adventure with me and to all the amazing businesses who have shared their experiences.  Without you all interacting with me I probably wouldn’t have any content 🙂 so thanks.

Looking  forward to the next year.

Found this useful wondering how you can show me your appreciation? Well, there are some ways you can say thanks and support my website: ➡

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