Momentous Marketing Moments: Harnessing the Power of Online Search Intent

No matter what your business is, you need to be making the most of your online presence. The world is online. Whether your target customers are young and trendy or senior and new to the Internet, you need to be there when they are looking for you. How do you get your company name to pop up when your potential customer does a search? The key is to understand how and why people search. All of your answers are there.

Why do people search online? :

People who are comfortable with the Internet (the majority) will search for everything. Whether they are looking for general information (weather, news, trivia), doing research on a person that you may have lost touch with or a family member that you need to pass on important information or maybe you need help doing so, Bond Rees trace people now providing the leading UK service for people tracing. When searching for information on shopping for a new car or just passing the time watching cat videos, the Internet search engine is their point of reference.

google analytics

Senior citizens and people who aren’t that comfortable with the Internet are aware of the fact that their traditional search methods (the phonebook, road maps, catalogues etc.) are becoming increasingly outdated and obsolete. They will often ask a younger friend or family member to do an online search for them if they are unable to do so themselves. Seniors are smart and careful with their money so if they realize they will see more than ads online – they will also get product and service reviews – they are more likely to use the Internet to search for their next plumber, lawn maintenance company or house cleaner. Seniors may start out just searching for general information or shopping purposes but when they become more familiar with the Internet, they too start using it for entertainment.

How do people search online? :

Computer-savvy people will have search engine apps at their fingertips at all times. Browsers like Google Chrome offer email, maps, storage and searching all in one spot, on your smartphone. You don’t even have to open the search engine – just type your search words into the address line of the browser and the search engine will pop up. This instant gratification comes to us courtesy of years of research and analysis of the way people search for things online.

Seniors, or people who are less familiar with the Internet, might be a little more formal in their approach to search engines. They are more likely to start with a full sentence or longer-tail search phrase. But it doesn’t matter anymore – even if they type “where can I find a good plumber in New York who doesn’t charge too much?” right into the browser, they are likely to find what they are looking for. Long-tail searches refine the search and limit the competition for the businesses featured.

Businesses can benefit from this information :

You want your business to appear among the first few listed in search engine results. You can do this by buying an ad that links your business to the keywords in the search – or you can use Search Engine Optimization (SEO) keywords in the text of your web content to ensure you are linked. Online marketing specialists can assist you to resell SEO by providing effective links for your business. Experts can conduct an audit on your business website to analyze what you need in terms of search engine optimization. Once you have embedded the words that people are searching for into your web pages, you will find a bigger return on your investment. Show up in a search and customers will show up at your door.

Search engine optimisation

Measure your results :

Once you have done the work to include SEO keywords and techniques on your website, you need to calculate the effectiveness of your campaign. Did you choose the correct SEO keywords? How are customers finding you online? Are they reaching you through your social media posts, industry connections or a search engine? What industry elements might have changed that will affect the way people search for your products and services? For example, if innovations in your industry are gaining popularity with news and social media coverage, you want to ensure you are linked to those advancements in a search. Make sure you do an annual analysis to measure how effectively your website is working to bring customers to you through search engine optimization.

The way people use the Internet has changed dramatically over the past ten years. Do the work to ensure your business has an online presence that will remain current and effective for years to come.

Jasmine Lucas works in the marketing industry and from time to time likes to get her thoughts, views and ideas out there with an online audience via her articles.

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