5 Second Job Ideas for Full Time Workers

Finding a second job can be viewed in multiple ways; a means to an end to top up your bank account; a way of meeting new people in a completely different role to your primary employment; or perhaps a way of gaining complementary skills or start a small business. There’s plenty of advice out there for how to do a second job well and how to deal with the issues surrounding it such as taxation – here are five ideas that you may not have considered.

Writing :

home office
There have never been more opportunities to express yourself through the written word, and those chances should only increase. Not only do editors look for good freelance writers with knowledge of particular subjects and/or a strong ability to search out data, but search engines reward websites that have interesting and relevant content – so there are plenty of opportunities for copywriters.

Bloggers can also build up quite a following and sponsorship with practice, especially if they maintain a disciplined, targeted approach to their topics; retail, beauty, football and politics are among the most popular choices.

Restaurant/bar work :

There’s always somewhere interesting and innovative to work in the world of food and drink, and shift work allows one to be flexible across weekends and evenings. Your likely spot will be front of house and serving customers, so you’ll be able to talk to people and certainly won’t get bored. Of course this is a job that can become full time, and be carried wherever you decide to go in the world (even if the landscape is changing in some countries) – everyone likes a pint.

Buying and selling :

The giant monolith that is eBay allows a lot of people to buy and trade online, either by discarding items they don’t want, or wheeling and dealing. Maybe Etsy will allow them to make their own crafts and sell them. Of course, one advantage of this type of role is that the making and creation can be done at pretty much any time – at night, on days off, at weekends – before the product is sent off. You might consider making clothing, toys, jewellery, or cards.

craft business


Further Reading :

Pet walking :

While many people are choosing to work from home, the vast majority don’t. This means that their faithful friends are left at home for several hours a day, longing for exercise and attention. Dog walking services are a simple and easy job for animal lovers, that also gets the walker out and about in the community, and can be done in the evening or at weekends or even at dinner times if planned correctly. You may earn up to £10-15 an hour for walking a pooch, equating to more than £200 a month for dinnertime walks alone.

dog walkers Dorset pocodogs

PocoDogs (www.facebook.com/PocoDogs)

Teacher/tutor :

If you have a skill that other people would like to learn, such as language, music or sport, then they might pay you to teach them. Parents sometimes like to give their child an advantage or extra help with some of their lessons by taking on advanced tutoring in mathematics or languages. Similarly, with training, you could become a life coach/self-help expert, a yoga teacher, or another discipline that could help people in their homes.

Have you ever started a job whilst working full time? Or did you start your business around a full-time job? I’d love to hear about it.

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