Ch … Ch …. Ch …. Changes – we all need to make them from time to time.

I am currently working on at least 2 million things plus running round after 3 children and one grown man.  My house is a tip, the fridge is continuously empty and all our trousers are flying at half mast!!  It got me thinking about where we are not only as a family but where my businesses are too.  Sometimes we have to admit we can’t do it all and sadly we are not super people!

I have one of those vital call to action problems … I remind people to ensure they have them, ensure they don’t just spend time writing and planning but put this all in to ACTION. But never adhere to putting mine into action! Back in April when I was enormously pregnant, unable to get comfortable and sleep I spent a great deal of time thinking. Thinking about my new child who was about to enter the world.  Thinking about my other 2 children and how the dynamics of our lives were suddenly about to change and thinking about my life and businesses.  I have been talking about writing a book for about 2 years now!! So that was goal one to sort out.  By the time Olive arrived in May I had the rough basis of an idea and had sent proposals to a publisher and this was no longer me talking about it – and frankly boring people 😉 This was me taking decisive action.

My 2nd major business decision of 2011 – to sell my half of Networking Mummies – first spoken about during the 5 awfully long days I spent in hospital with tiny baby Olive.  As I was absolutely fine, I spent a lot of time thinking (and watching rubbish TV, which has been a rarity since starting Charlie Moo’s et al.) I decided everything I was going to do, chatted with Daddy Moo, we both agreed that this was a great plan especially after my book proposal was accepted and the book writing had to commence.

So in true Joanne Dewberry style .. it TOOK until September for me to put these plans into action and then another 2 months for me to pull my finger out.  I have now sold my half of successful business Networking Mummies UK, it’s sad to see things go but it’s much better to reflect on all the things you have learnt along the way.  Networking Mummies was a huge part of my life for nearly 3 years, I’ve made a lot of good friends as well as business chums along the way.   I have also learnt, developed and found lurking in the back of my head skills that will be forever useful.

This year I’d like to work on action – I like to have a mantra to collate all my work around and this year I have decided on ‘Plan, Learn & Do’  – I think the DO is the most important , we are all great planners and learners but how many of us actually then ‘do’ what we have planned and learned?

So keep your eyes peeled for 2012 😉 and join me on my quest to do!

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