Keeping Your Home Office User Friendly

I know I’m incredibly lucky to have an office space in my home. Although when I’m tripping over scooters and bikes I don’t feel that lucky! I’ve always had this opinion that I needed my huge clunky massive desk as it had loads of storage and shelving which obviously helped with keeping my space clear. This is an outright lie! My desk turned out to be the issue! When Kit out my office offered me a streamline, minimalist, more simplistic solution I thought I’d give it a whirl. Although the UCLIC Aspire Desk with Open Base Unit is the same width as my previous desk the depth is smaller meaning I could switch it round opening up the space. As I’m no longer crammed next to storage shelves I have my back to them I don’t feel boxed in, which helps with writing and creativity.

kit out my office desk

I repainted the walls blue and grey. Touching up the paintwork is a really cheap and easy way to make the room feel lighter and cleaner.  The UCLIC Aspire desk was easy to assemble all the holes are pre-drilled so it’s just a case of putting it all together.  The top is a two man job though as it can be difficult to find the holes. I’ve been really interested this year in well-being and looking after myself and my environment more. I spend a lot of time in my office so I really should take better care of it.

Keeping Your Office User Friendly : 

I really wish I was far more minimalist as I’d really love an Instagram-worthy desk but hey ho such is life! Surfaces seem to attract things they are like magnets and before you know it you are drowning in unwanted “stuff”.  I know, I know I really should practice what I preach as I’m forever going on about clutter and the detrimental effect it has on our brain; like the saying goes “tidy desk, tidy mind”.

I’m OK at keeping the desk tidy it’s all the “stuff” piled up in the office around it! The act of spending time de-cluttering is good for the soul and it has been quite kind on my pocket too.  Everything needs to have a home or designated space it lives in. Homeless objects and lack of storage are the main reasons our offices start to overflow.  I opted for an UCLIC Aspire desk with open base and one leg is set of shelves. My previous desk worked as half my office storage so I was a little worried about streamlining the desk to the point where I had “stuff” everywhere.  However once I had a bit of a sort out I realised I didn’t really need half the things.  I’ve a couple of storage boxes in the shelf area which keeps it looking tidy. I also moved all the books from my desk surface onto a shelf, it was a little lazy and not at all helpful to have them piled up.

business book review joanne dewberry

Sometimes the pile up can be a downside of having an actual office space. When you work from your dinning table, for example, which therefore has multiple uses you have to be far more disciplined about putting things away.  I have no discipline what so ever!

Developing a better working environment :

I’ve talked before about how my office is under the stairs meaning their is very little natural light.  I’ve used a large mirror facing the front door to bounce some light around, changed the light bulb to daylight ones. The biggest improvement to my energy levels, productivity and motivation has come from NeedLite lamps, which use the exact right colour temperature of 6,500 kelvin. The power of daylight increases your energy, increases your performance and overall makes you feel much better. Having the right lighting in your office is a key component alongside de-cluttering but what else can make your office environment work better?

Scents and Smells :
Orchid Aromatics candles

Now who doesn’t love a scented candle or two? (Plus my home office is in the hallway so I don’t really want to be smelling sweaty shoes whilst at work) But have you taken the time to consider how smells can effect and impact on productivity and your working environment? No me neither so I’ve done a little research.

  • Citrus oils are good for uplifting and motivating, such as lemongrass and Neroli.
  • Peppermint, spearmint, basil and eucalyptus are good for refreshing and clearing the mind which aids with thinking straight. (I think I might need a vat of this!)
  • Rosemary is a really good mood enhancer and great for boosting memory making it perfect for working from home.

Oil diffusers and aromatherapy candles are better as the scent directly goes to the limbic seat of the brain and affects our mood very quicker than synthetic scented candles. However if your budget won’t allow, synthetic scents and candles will do.  I’ve started using more citrus or mint based scents and have noticed an improvement in my productivity.

Tidy up a bit :

It’s terrible when good advice is so simplistic but really keeping on top of your home office is the only way to ensure you foster a creative and productive working environment. There is still a lot of things, books, old stock, paperwork that can be shredded, recycled or sold. I also really need to invest in some computer cable tidy clips to organise the mass of wires behind the desk which catch the eye detracting from the clean lines of the UCLIC Aspire Desk.

Here’s my money tree plant too that I’ve added I’m hoping he survives the lack of natural light but greenery works wonders on making you feel less claustrophobic.

money tree plant

I was provided with a desk of my choice in return for a review from Kit out my Office.

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