The Growth of Home Business in the UK

Vonage have recently put together an infographic after conducting some research into the characteristics of small businesses started from home in the UK.

Here are a few key points.

  • I was surprised by that the number of men working from home was actually larger than women. I always assumed more women did.
  • 8million people run an online business from home! Staggering!
  • Key factors for starting a business at home – modern technology is readily available and it presents a low cost start up option.
  • 38% of women small business owners pursued this path as it enabled them to juggle children and a career.
  • 19% of the overall businesses were craft based – crafted based businesses are on the increase as more and more people turn their hobby in to a viable small business.

Growth of Home Business in the UK - Vonage Infographic


Are you a UK home business? How acurate do you think this infographic is? I think it sums me up pretty well! Let me know what you think over on twitter @CharlieMoos

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