30 Tools That No Graphic Designer Could Live Without

If you have a talent when it comes to graphic design then working from home is going to be a doddle! There are always untalented people like me who need design help and companies looking to work with freelancers. Precision Printing has put together a list of 30 things that no designer could live without. The list is broken down in to 10 key areas; hardware, research, layout, branding, typography, colour scheme, photography, illustration, presentation and environment.

30 graphic design tools

Here are a few of my favourite key points.

Environment :

I talk about this all the time, your working environment is so important, to your health, productivity and also mentally making you feel like you “go to work” and can shut the door at the end of your working day.  As a graphic designer you will be spending a lot of time sat at a computer, meaning a desk and chair are very important. Investing in appropriate office equipment in the beginning will serve you well long term. You home office environment not only affects your health but also more productive in your work than sat laptop on your knee curled on the sofa.  Hey and you know what increased productivity means more money is being made. Result!

Photography Tools :

I love that Precision Printing mentions PicMonkey, it’s such a great free software and even non creatives like me can use it!  Daddy Moo bought me my first DSLR camera for Christmas and it’s amazing how a quality camera has made my images so much better.  You know that saying about having the best tools for the job, well it’s so true.  Your home office, illustration tools and hardware.

Hardware : 

Being a graphic designer your hardware is really important. You need a quality computer as well as a tablet with illustrator facilities, sufficient storage and as mentioned previously an adequate home office and camera.  You will need to invest in your equipment as a start-up but your business will thank you.

To see the complete list of 30 tools for graphic designers check out this handy PDF. Are you a graphic designer? Are there any tools you think Precision Printing may have missed out.

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