Simple Solutions for Improving Office Productivity

As we head into Spring and the sun starts to stream through my discounted windows into my home office, I realise just how much more productive I am when the air is crisp and the house is filled with natural light.  The mini-daffodils on the table are in full bloom and there’s something fresh and new about this time of the year.  January and February saw me unexpectedly busy and with the closing down of my party supplies business, Charlie Moo’s, now I’m tasked with decluttering, extra storage solution and space saving ideas now all the stock has left. I’ve been so busy I haven’t got round to making even a list of goals for 2019. I do however have a lovely vision board and I’m determined to make a dent on that.

Productivity is something I talk about regularly whether you have employees or work from home, productivity is what keeps the business going.  Once upon a time a business’ strategy for getting the most out of their staff would be to simply tell them to work harder, however nowadays there are all kinds of tactics you can utilise as an employer to help boost your team’s productivity. You’ll notice that a lot of this advice on how best to maximise the productivity of yourself or employees steams from ensuring that they are happy. Happiness = Productivity.

Office Plants : 

home office plants

Numerous studies have shown that incorporating plant life throughout the office can have a positive impact on the morale of team members, and countless more have shown that happy staff are productive staff.

Not only that, but office plants can help to clean the air, reducing workplace illness and as a result reducing the productivity you lose to sick days throughout the year. Plus they look pretty too!

Tidy Workplace, Tidy Minds : 

Another cause of office stress can be general untidiness and clutter, while not knowing where everything is can be a major time drain. By undertaking some basic organisational strategies you can ensure that people don’t waste time looking for things because they aren’t where they are supposed to be.

In regards to keeping the office tidy, you need to make sure that you employ the services of a professional and reliable cleaning service provider. A dirty environment can not only help to foster disease and illness but it can also affect team morale, and it is far too important an issue to hope that you and your team can handle it yourselves.

cleaning office health and hygiene

Get Up and Move : 

Employees are left feeling stressed when asked to move around in buildings that don’t have enough space, and this stress can have a negative effect on mood which in turn impacts on efficiency. This is before you take into account the fact that tight corridors mean that it takes your staff longer to get from place to place.

Encourage employees to take lunchtime walks, use the stairs more and by widening the space between desks you not only significantly improve productivity but morale too.

An ergonomic work station incorporates a number of different elements – including the chair, desk height, monitor height/angle and other accessories such as wrist supports for the keyboard and mouse – but by investing in them you can be sure that your staff’s physical wellbeing is taken care of.  Since I’ve been using a standing desk I’ve really noticed that I feel better physically and mentally better.

Utilise Natural Light :

office interior design

Our over-reliance on artificial light can lead to fatigue and a generally poor mood, so where possible make use of natural light in your offices.

The problem with artificial light is that it fails to stimulate our pineal gland – the gland responsible for the production of melatonin. This is the hormone that regulates our internal body clocks, and therefore if there is a lack of it in our bodies then our sleeping will be disturbed, affecting our ability to think clearly as well as the release of other hormones.

Don’t forget to check out some new scheduling software to make every manager’s day more productive.

What are your tips for being more productive at work? 

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