Goal Setting and me

January is a great time of the year to look back on your small business goals and set new ones for the year ahead. This is exactly what we covered in our monthly networking meeting Lemur LinkUp this month. The talk was facilitated by Amanda Johnson from Your Executive Secretary.

When setting goals for your business make sure they are SMART – specific, measurable, achievable,  realistic and time based. Amanda suggests setting a 5 year goal, 1 year goal and a 90 days one. The 90 day ones work as small stepping stones towards the larger 1 year goal. Having goals enable you to understand where you are going and how you are going to get there. Keep you motivated, focused and on track – this is where the time based aspect is important. That way you don’t come back in 3 years time and find the same goals.


My main goals for this year are simple.

  1. To go on holiday abroad
  2. Get a new kitchen
  3. and increase web based sales on Charlie Moo’s by 25%

You might be sat now thinking well they aren’t that difficult nor exciting! Or think ah you mean those type of goals! When you work from home you can easily lose sight of the bigger picture surrounded by your daily routine, the housework and never ending washing but it can also hide from you all the mini achievements you make daily. Working towards the goal of say “going on holiday abroad” requires me to earn a specific amount of money.  I have a plan of how I will earn this money, which I will check routinely to ensure that my goals are still achievable. And also once a goal is achieved make a new one (no sorry you can’t wait until January!)

Why not set yourself at least one SMART goals this year that you can relish in and feel all fuzzy knowing “I did that”! Do you have any top tips for goal setting? Or maybe you have a question? Please do pop a comment below and I’ll get back to you as soon as possible. Or say “hi” over on Facebook.

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