Safe Ways to Build SEO Backlinks For Your Website

What Is The SEO Skyscraper Technique?

The SEO skyscraper technique is based on comparing skyscraper sizes with the popularity of a site. 

The most essential step in site creation is to Build SEO backlinks for your website, but how do you do this safely? That’s where skyscraper techniques come in.

Safe Ways to Build SEO Backlinks For Your Website

So…How Do I Do This?

The SEO skyscraper Technique can help you get domain authority for your backlinks. This is based on specific keywords from the search engine results page combined with backlinks for what you find.

THIS will help you rank the backlinks to best emulate and perfect the writing by your competitor.

A Matter Of Ethics:

The internet runs on communication and connectivity, not content cannibalism. As such, use this as much of an excuse to mutually promote your article (and the origins source article). This will give you a safe way to build SEO backlinks for your website.

And Then?

There are multiple venues to find strong articles to pull from.

Google’s search engine results pages use their exceptional algorithms for finding great content.

Buzsumo, Ubersuggest, and forums are perfect for gathering research.

Any site that’s worth its salt will be listed on Google’s search engine results pages due to Google’s extremely strong algorithm. Ubersuggest, overview, and Buzsumo are great for suggesting content ideas due to their strong list of competitive content.  

Additionally, forums are stellar for this as you get to see the general audience’s reactions to the content.

(For more information read this article:

The Keys of The Skyscraper Technique:

  • Headline (The first draw to your content)
  • Freshness (What makes your content relevant?)
  • Visuals (Show images on your page that other companies aren’t)
  • Examples (Acquaint your viewer with your style)

Promote With Skyscraper:

With The Skyscraper Technique, You Can:

  • Find Your base in: already connected fans, bloggers, pages, and articles.
  • Use keyword strategies to help secure your backlinks.

However, you’re also not limited solely to looking for safe ways to build SEO backlinks to your site. You can also use the skyscraper technique to make high-quality (and search-dominant) content.


A final advantage of monitoring backlinks is it’s a very passive role. Use this guide to implement the skyscraper technique for your site to the tower!

If you’re curious about more please check out this article: 


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