Packing a Conference Kit for Beginners

Conferences are growing in popularity.  They are a great way to network with like-minded individuals, develop collaborations and in most cases learn something new. The sole motivation for me is being able to leave inspired and feeling a new sense of purpose within my business. It’s also a mega bonus to adult for a whole day (sometimes more) and not be worrying about the children.  Conferences provide plenty of opportunities to create content either during or after the event. Having attended Sage Summit recently whereby we created a lot of content and did a lot of walking here are my suggestions for what you need to pack in your kit bag for the day.

Sage Summit London

What to pack in your conference kit : 

  • Business Cards : You’d be surprised how many people I speak to who have forgotten to pack these.  After a conference I like to go through the cards and reconnect on social media, it’s also a good chance to learn a little bit more about the people I have met.
  • Sturdy Bag : I normally go with a large bag with multiple handles (ie. long shoulder strap enabling myself to be hands-free but also short handles in case it gets too heavy), others I know prefer a backpack which also helps with being hands-free and your less likely to forget where you put the bag down!
  • Water : I like to have a bottle of water in my bag. However, most conferences will have plenty of refreshments available, make sure you keep fully hydrated at all times. Staying hydrated not only keeps your brain active, it affects your mood and energy levels. When you are on your feet, learning and talking all day you don’t want to be feeling fatigued.
  • Comfortable Shoes : As women, we can become a slave to fashion. I don’t get many chances these days to wear footwear that isn’t designed for long walks and the school run, so when I do I want my shoes to be pretty. But then you’ll be on your feet all day, so they also need to be functional, practical and comfortable too. If only there were a comprehensive guide to Women’s casual business shoes, luckily Shoosed feature does just that. Looking at everything from shock absorbency, comfort to the size of heel and distribution of weight it has every aspect covered. It’s really important to ensure that your shoes have a comfortable padded liner to keep your feet happy and you upright for the whole day.
  • Mobile devises : Well you can’t create content on the go without them! I had my mobile and iPad at Sage Summit, loaded with all my must-have apps – Facebook, Twitter, Sage Summit App, Instagram and a Beautiful Mess for editing images although I have heard good things about wordswag, over and Adobe Spark.

  • Phone Accessories : Who knew there were so many phone accessories, from the fluffy microphone shield (you can see it in the image above looks like a dead cat!) to selfie sticks (very important for getting that perfect selfie!) and even a selfie ring light for dark situations.
  • Battery pack : Creating content via mobile technology couldn’t be easier but it doesn’t half drain the battery! Invest in a battery pack there are loads on the market with varying price points.
  • Chargers : There’s usually plug points or charging stations dotted around so if you don’t have a back up battery or you have already used them ensure you have a plug in your bag!
  • Notebook and Pens : Don’t rely on turning up to reams of paper being available.   Make sure you have your own notebook and pens you most certainly will want to take notes and write things down.
  • Travel Details : Ensure your conference kit contains your travel details, booking form and some kind of ID.

*cough* I also find it handy to pop a packet of mints, a chocolate bar (or something healthier if you prefer) an apple, deodorant spray and lip balm in my bag for emergencies.

Packing a Conference Kit for Beginners

Pack your conference kit the day or night prior not the morning of when you are running around like a loon.  I’d love to hear what else you include in your conference kit.

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