Healthy and I Know It: How To Put Employee Health and Wellbeing First in the Workplace

With 828,000 UK workers suffering from mental health issues, adding up to 17.9 million working days lost, work-related stress, depression and anxiety is something that needs to be taken very seriously. 

In fact, one study found that one in 6.8 people experience mental health problems in the workplace and that better mental health support could save UK businesses up to £8 billion a year.  

So, if you decide to bring mental health awareness to the forefront of your company values and put employee health and wellbeing first in the workplace, here is how you could approach it. 

employee health and wellbeing in the workplace

Conduct Employee Engagement Surveys:

Conduct employee engagement surveys,  a comprehensive tool for assessing point-in-time employee sentiment, collecting data, and implementing actionable insights to make your workplace more harmonious and look after employee health and wellbeing. Read more here

Encourage Regular Breaks:

When the workload becomes too much, it can feel like you are constantly playing catch-up. Over time, we start to inch into our breaks in order to keep on top of things. However, taking regular breaks is essential.

Encourage your employees to take regular breaks, even if it is a quick screen break to look after their eyes. It might also be useful to encourage your workforce to take their whole lunch break, rather than a ‘working lunch’, so that everyone gets some fresh air and time to relax. 

Employ Good Communication:

Communication works both ways – so, as important as it is that employees come to you with any work-related issues, you also need to make sure that you are creating an approachable and safe space for your staff. 

When you encourage openness and good communication, your workforce is more likely to feel comfortable coming to you for a one-on-one chat about their wellbeing, which could make the world of difference. 

Preventative Measures: 

Don’t wait until there is a major problem – roll out employee wellbeing procedures and strategies even as a preventative measure. Try this long term COVID help article, for hints and tips for managers to help play a role in supporting these employees and ensuring they can take the time off they need to heal.

Have an EAP, Group Life Insurance Policy, or Both: 

In order to put employee health and wellbeing first, some employers might find it helpful to have an employee assistance programme (EAP) or a group life insurance policy. However, why not have both? 

With YuLife’s group life insurance, you can make sure that your workers are protected financially, rewarded on their healthy habits and have access to 24/7 smart health and mental health support. Therefore, this insurance can help you to protect, engage and reward your workforce. 

Be on the Lookout For Early Signs of Stress and Burnout: 

Inside and outside of the workplace, check in on your colleagues and employees and make sure they are doing okay. Try to look out for any early signs of work-related stress and burnout so that the problem can be remedied early. 

Common signs of job burnout include excessive cynicism and criticism, trouble concentrating, increased irritability, lack of energy, disillusionment, overconsumption of food, drugs or alcohol, more physical complaints than usual and indications that the worker is experiencing a lack of sleep

Now that you know what to do and how to do it, make sure you make employee health and wellbeing a priority in your workplace by following these simple tips. However, remember – if you are ever in doubt, or you spot a situation that could be serious, always get in contact with a medical professional.

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