Word Art as inspired by Photo Fairy Designs

After reading this step by step guide to producing word art I decided to use some of my key words and give it a go! So what do you think?  I don’t have any fancy programmes I used paint to create the word part & picnik to add a border and textured background.

How –

  1. I copied the keywords in bulk from my website tag cloud.
  2. opened a new paint page clicked on text and copied in the full tag cloud
  3. I then adjusted the font, size & colour of the words
  4. when I was happy I saved it as a jpeg then uploaded it to picnik a free online editing software
  5. I used the effects tool to add a textured background as the white was quite harsh
  6. I then added a border and altered the colours to match my website
  7. save and viola 🙂
Love to hear your feedback or if you have a go link your creations below 🙂


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