How You Can Check Whether a Source Is Credible

The phrase ‘fake news’ has been thrown about so much since 2016 that it now almost seems impossible to differentiate between what you can consider reliable and what has been created purely as a means of some deep ulterior motive. When you are trying to convey an argument, whether this is in a college paper, in person or over the internet with someone who doesn’t see eye-to-eye with you, the points that you make will only be as credible as the sources you rely on. With that in mind, how do you check whether a source you are relying on is actually credible or not? 

How You Can Check Whether a Source Is Credible

Look For The Intention Behind The Article: 

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) has become the mantra of the online marketing world. There are a lot of businesses that utilize SEO marketing as a means to genuinely inform the public and also promote products. Take Click Intelligence at, for example. The company is proficient in creating content that helps CBD companies but also provides the public with genuine information pertaining to the product. 

On the other hand, a lot of organizations see SEO as the need to stuff keywords into an article, regardless of how accurate the content is. If what you are reading clearly has another motive, you may want to fact check some of the information that is being provided. 

Check The Domain Of The Company: 

When you see a site that contains a domain such as “edu” (educational) and “gov” (government), these domains usually indicate that the source of the information is credible; however, there are a lot of sites that use suffixes such as these in an attempt to mislead. Again, it should be a case of seeing these domains and then taking the time to consider the site’s purpose and agenda. 

Don’t Limit Yourself To Just One Source of Information: 

Be sure to take the time to search for additional sources of information. If you take one site as gospel then you are opening yourself up to being misled. There are a lot of different sites that you could look at for information and if they continue to back each other up then it’s most likely the information you have been given is reliable, but if you get lots of conflicting opinions, you know you will need to look deeper into things. 

Only Use Some Sites As A Jump-Start: 

There are a lot of sites out there that are stuffed full of information, but if you are researching something to put together an article or a study for something, you should consider only using these sites as a jumping-off point rather than as the foundation of knowledge. Sites such as Wikipedia are a good example of this as though they offer a huge variety of different information, the entries can be edited and contributed to by anyone. 

Generally speaking, the information will be sound. That being said, you should only use it to get ideas when researching other sources, as opposed to having it be the number one citation for your project.

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