Trade Show Tips, How To Get Your Brand Noticed

Trade exhibitions are a great way to connect with your audience. Trade exhibitions are a high-impact and cost-effective sales, advertising, and networking channel. They greatly increase your visibility and enable you to be seen as a credible business to a wider audience alongside your competitors. This can make potential customers see just why you are better than the rest. Trade exhibitions help you attract new customers but they also provide you with an opportunity to reach out and connect with your existing clients.

Plan and design your custom event structures or exhibition stands with the following in mind:

  1. On average, it takes at most five seconds for a visitor to walk past your exhibition stand. With competition all around, your task is uphill.
  2. A well designed and effective exhibition stand increases conversion by 53%.

Trade Show Tips custom event structures

Trade Show Tips, How To Get Your Brand Noticed:

Know Your Target Audience: If you are targeting the younger generation, for example, experience is generally more important than the product itself. It is often the reverse for the senior audience. If your product transcends age, then incorporate other considerations and strike the right balance.

Make Yourself Look Good: Custom event structures or exhibition stand provides a great opportunity to promote your brand. Create a spectacular stand but maintain its relevance to what you do. Point attention to yourself, but ensure the visitor/potential new client has been clearly conveyed a message regarding what you do, what you can offer to them and how you can take this relationship further going forward. You’ll be surprised for example how many exhibition stands do make it clear how you can sign up or even have an obvious payment centre if we have to ask customers can easily be put off.  Make sure everything you use shows quality. Even the ground of your exhibition stand should be covered with high-quality, soft carpets. This makes potential customers feel they will be in safe, capable hands.

Think about personal branding too. Make sure your exhibition staff are properly dressed, either business casual or branded uniforms are the safest way to go. Ensure the staff are dressed to complement the theme of your exhibition stand, where possible. The aim is to create a balanced, streamlined, branded attractive look that will make your exhibition stand out.

Keep It Neat And Tidy: Avoid clutter and shabbiness by all means. Discard all forms of litter. Ensure that your stand is neat and tidy. A well-kept exhibition stand shows you off as professional and reliable.  Avoid too much furniture and mobile banners; they take up space and impede visitor movement. Make it feel homely, avoid the mistake of being all about glass boxes and technology, use drapes in and around your exhibition stand to provide a beautiful, warm, friendly, and down-to-earth effect. Invest in proper and adequate lighting. Bright and moderately colourful displays will get people interested and curious. Do not rely on the lighting that may come with the exhibition stand. Get more light in, and tweak light angles until you achieve the lighting effect that will keep viewers coming.

The Right Amount Of Display: Do not display too little. This will make people think you do not have much to offer but also do not display too much either – it’s a fine balance between enough and cluttered. Treat it like your place of work, know where everything is but keep it accessible but streamlined – tidy space = tidy mind.  Allow room for people to want to find out more, and be on hand to provide the information they need.

Graphics And Product Demonstration:  Use engaging, eye-catching graphics to display products and information. Ensure your graphics are striking, attract attention from several meters away, are clear and legible and streamline your brand. if possible use moving displays or interactive communication like iPads and video. Don’t make the audience guess or have to ask, label everything on your exhibition stand. Video graphics can provide additional information, but people looking at your products should know what exactly they are looking at.  Wherever possible, ensure that you are able to demonstrate the product enabling the audience to clearly see what you do, what you offer and how it’s done. Product demonstration is the most relevant aspect of the exhibition. It can also be one of the most captivating that will make people never forget you. Visitors are inundated with facts; showing them your product at work will go a long way in giving perspective to things and prompting purchase decisions.

Remember the design must clearly communicate the right and sufficient amount of information that will induce and guide a purchase decision. Engaging custom event structures or exhibition stands will help build your reputation, make visitors remember you, cement loyalty and create opportunities to cultivate new customers. What tips do you have for creating exciting and engaging exhibition stands?


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