Rewards to help incentivise your sales team

Whether your company has its own sales team, or your business uses a sales channel partner to sell your products, you should make sure your salespeople are selling to the best of their abilities.

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Incentives company rewards, like Corporate Rewards Channel Incentives, can help incentivise a sales team so they can do exactly that for you. From personal rewards to motivate individuals to hit targets to team rewards to encourage your team to come back stronger after a challenging sales period, here are some key rewards for your salespeople to make sure they don’t just sell, but sell well.

Rewards to hit targets : 

Setting up prize rewards can be a good way to incentivise your sales team to work harder, especially if time is of the essence. Perhaps you’re launching a new product from your shop, or you need to get rid of some seasonal stock on your website. Or perhaps you have set yourself sales targets to hit by a particular date. Having an attractive prize up for grabs can give your salespeople something physical to aim for and push them to work harder to try and win it.

Depending on your sales team, prizes you could offer could include a luxury food and wine hamper or a selection of quality beauty products. Or it could be a stylish bag or the latest smart phone.

Personal rewards : 

Rewarding with a personal prize can help incentivise your sales team because it shows you’ve taken the time to get to know them, that you understand them, know what they like and know their interests. It also suggests some thought, effort and time has been taken to select and purchase your prize. This can, in turn, show you value and appreciate your salespeople, which can make them want to work harder for you and be more loyal to your business.

You could reward a salesperson with a personal reward after achieving high sales during a busy period, or for selling your latest product in the quickest time. There are different types of rewards you could offer too, depending on the interests of your sales team. For instance, you could reward your company golf enthusiast with a set of golf clubs, or your sales channel theatre lover with tickets to see the latest big show in the West End. Or you could reward your company’s technology fanatic with the latest gadget, or your fashion follower with some designer accessories.

Rewarding with experiences : 

Rewarding your salespeople with an experience, like an adrenaline-fuelled sport or activity, can have the added benefit of motivating them, and their colleagues, when they’re back in the office. They can feel privileged to have experienced something they otherwise would not, feel they’ve been brave or achieved something, and come back to the office feeling fired up and ready to work harder. They are likely to associate memories of the experience with you and your business. And, as they tell their colleagues all about it, they too can feel motivated to work harder to enjoy such an experience.

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Exciting experiences could include motor racing, kayaking, or a helicopter ride. Or they could have a go at zip wiring, white water rafting, or enjoy a hot air balloon ride.

Team rewards :

Team events can be a good way to reward your whole sales team for their achievements or hard work. This could include hitting targets in the run up to Christmas, or perhaps your salespeople have worked long hours during a challenging quarter. Taking them out to an event can allow them to enjoy an experience together and celebrate their hard work as a team. They can feel valued as individuals and as a team and part of something special. In turn, this can help build stronger relationships in the office and encourage them to motivate each other to keep up their good work.

Depending on your team’s demographic, you could take them on a night out, like dinner at a top local restaurant, or to watch a music concert, or to see a comedy show. Or you could reward them with a trip to a theme park or a sports event, like a tennis tournament or the races. Before, during or after a busy, challenging and tiring sales period, allowing your salespeople to experience events like these should help see their spirits raised and your future sales too.

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1 Comment

  1. Rhianne
    July 26, 2017 / 2:32 pm

    Great ideas! We have been playing a lot with some incentives but the only thing that worked was a bigger paycheck. And a paid vacation! Worth trying!