Ski Equipment: What To Take With You To The Ski Resort

How often do you take a holiday when you are self-employed? “Over 25 per cent of small business owners take fewer than five days leave each year, with 15 per cent taking none at all.” (Simply Business, 2018) Guys! After the last 2 years, we NEED to take time out to relax! Burnout is real my friends so why not pull up a pew, scan the ski holiday pages and start making your ski equipment list. 

Ski Equipment: What To Take With You To The Ski Resort

Proper equipment and timely preparation are essential for any ski trip. E.g. What to do with good ski sandals if you do not protect your eyes with the appropriate mask? Or what to do with the jacket, if you do not have the right isotherms. Where to get the Geneva to Morzine Transfer? That is why we have compiled this list. Check to see if you have it all, so you are ready the next time you visit the ski resort.

Ski Equipment: What To Take With You To The Ski Resort.

Ski Boots:

It is good to have your own sandals, and even better to have your own boots. And the reason is the application they will have on your feet. Ski boots should fit your foot perfectly, neither tight nor loose. So choose the proper boots based on their size and total cost.

Ski Sandals:

Choosing ski boots is difficult because you have to take into account many parameters. Speaking only of downhill skiing on landscaped slopes, the most fundamental parameter is your height. Positioned vertically, the sandals should reach from the ground to between your jaw and your cuticle. The shorter skis are suitable for fast turns, while the long skis are suitable for high speeds in a straight course. That is why you should give an exceptional basis to the purchase of your sandals.


Here, in a logical context, you can save money by buying a walking stick. It would be best if you chose walking sticks based on your height. Positioned vertically, they should reach the height of the palm when the hand is at a 90-degree angle. Otherwise, consult a special size chart to make sure you make the right purchase.

Ski Jacket:

It is the essential “equipment” after the sandals and boots. A good ski jacket should protect from the cold, be waterproof and “breathe” to remove sweat. You can find perfect ski jackets at reasonable prices in the market, and you do not need to buy something costly. One thing to watch out for, though, is the weight as a ski jacket should be relatively light.

Ski Mask:

It is indispensable during skiing. Here you should know that the sunglasses you wear every day do not protect as well in the snow. You can get a ski mask or a pair of mountaineering goggles that filter 100% of ultraviolet radiation and protect your eyes for a reasonable amount.


Just because it’s cold does not mean you can not burn in the sun. The opposite, in fact. The mountain equipment definitely includes sunscreen. In the snow, the sun’s rays are reflected and cause painful burns like in summer. Choose a sunscreen with a high protection index and put it in your jacket pocket for immediate use.


The buff is this elastic collar that can be worn around the neck as a scarf but also on the head as a hat or bandana. Like the hat, it is a clothing accessory that comes and goes easily, so you can adapt to different temperatures, offering you flexibility.

Ski Pants:

The truth is that you do not need the latest technology in ski pants, but do not go with jeans. If your pants are waterproof, that’s enough. It is more a matter of comfort to have fitting pants for your body type.

Using the right equipment is very important in a sport such as skiing. All you have to do is book your stay at a ski resort in Europe at the best price you can find. You can trust Erna Low company, which will not only design a complete accommodation package for you in one of the top ski resorts of your choice but will also provide you with the most economical offer possible. When you get all the above products, you will be able to safely enjoy endless hours in the snow without worrying for a moment if something goes wrong.

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