The Ultimate Guide to Content Marketing and Digital PR Book Review

Content marketing is forever changing and developing as we become more and more reliant on modern technology and engaging with customer through social media and less through traditional print marketing methods.  There are many books out there on the topic it can be super confusing. The guys at Exposure Ninja have produced The Ultimate Guide to Content Marketing & Digital PR and asked me to take a look at it.

Who is the book aimed at? : 

The Ultimate Guide to Content Marketing and Digital PR is aimed at startups and small business owners who want to learn how to promote their business online through content marketing. This include mainstream media coverage, guest posting, sponsored content, and working with bloggers. The book is relevant to anybody working in SEO or those looking to improve their understanding of search engine rankings.  There are some great parts and really useful things in the book, I passed it around my networking group too.

Through this book you will discover :

  1. How any sized business can utilise Digital PR for free publicity.
  2. Identifying the perfect market to maximise the impact of your Digital PR.
  3. Generating ideas and angles for stories that publications will want to publish.
  4. Understanding Sponsored Content.
  5. How to use Content Marketing to spread your reach through infographics, articles, and videos.
  6. Connecting with influential bloggers.
  7. Using giveaways/contests to boost your social media following.
  8. Live events to explode your online visibility
  9. How to create and manage a workable digital PR campaign in whatever time you have available, whether it’s 20 minutes per week or 8 hours per day.
  10. How to use hashtags on Twitter including #Journorequests and Twitter chats

What did I think? :

This book is in organised into clear areas, meaning you can quickly dip in and out of chapters. In places the book is very basic for beginners and then moves on to more complex issues all within the turning of a page. I think at times the book tires to appeal to a wide group of individuals meaning that the target audience is occasionally lost.

There’s a lot of explanation and images talking you through processes which works well and makes it easier to action each step.  I find sometimes people only give you half the story in books or blog posts as they want you to buy their services etc … but this book gives you specific action points to work through and also uses in depth analysis of previous campaigns.  This gives you an idea of not only how to organise the process but what can be achieved through it.  I was a little miffed by some of the terminology around bloggers. The chapter gives incredibly detailed accounts of blogger outreach campaigns, where to find social media influencers and yet suggests offering a token amount to bloggers. In some ways this undermines the work bloggers do but given the in depth accounts of each campaign why it worked and what the brand achieved/learnt from the experience, it’s probably better not to think of it as a “token” but rather paying for a service in the same way you would any advertising campaign.

In places there is a lot of information, which can make it super heavy and hard going and in some ways it feels like a text book.  However this book is handbag size and the organised chapters does mean you can dip in and out as and when you have time.  Making it the perfect companion for mums in business snatching reading moments between swimming lessons, soft play dates and

Final Thoughts :

I passed the book around my networking chums to see what they thought. It’s always great to get multiple opinions.

Ilana Smith | Hari Hari Curry : An informative read with some great tips, ideas and a lot of food for thought even though a little bland visually. Feels a bit like an old school textbook nevertheless gave me some interesting factors to consider!
Samantha Prewett Photography : I’ve had a quick flick though the book and it’s an absolute goldmine. I need to schedule in some proper quality time to read and action it! My other books are being pushed aside for this! So far in a few pages I’ve learnt about twitter chats, how to find journalists and that Google alerts can be set up for anything (I thought it was just for your business name being mentioned online!) can’t wait to read more.

If you are looking for a dip in and out book with clear actionable steps to get your content marketing going you can’t go wrong with this guide.

This book was sent to me in order to write a review, opinions are my own. This post contains affiliate links.

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