How Busy Parents Can Simplify Evening Dinners

Cooking can be a pleasure. There’s nothing better than opening a bottle, playing some of your favourite songs, and spending a couple of hours in the kitchen cooking a great meal.

Alas, that image is a bit of a pipedream for busy parents. What usually happens is that you’re running in late from work, trying to prepare a meal while also sorting out the kids. In those instances, which occur every night of the week, cooking is a necessary evil.

There are ways, however, to simplify those evening dinners. In doing so, you’ll be freeing up your time, reducing stress, and ensuring that your kids are well-fed. Let’s take a look at how you can do it.

How Busy Parents Can Simplify Evening Dinners

How Busy Parents Can Simplify Evening Dinners

Buy in Bulk

Had a bad day at the office? In that scenario, there’ll be nothing worse than finally getting home, opening up the fridge, and realising that you forgot to go to the supermarket. Actually, there’s one scenario that’s worse — finding that the meat you asked to be defrosted is still sitting in the freezer.

One way to blunt the impact of those blows is to have a well-stocked pantry. It’s always good to have some cans of delicious soup that you can call upon. It might not be Gordon Ramsey, but soup and rice is hearty and filling, and will absolutely do a job when needs must.

Have a List of Easy Recipes

You might wish to spend an hour or two cooking a meal that a Michelin-starred restaurant would be proud of, but that’s not a realistic ambition. Instead, you’ll be more likely to have half an hour to spend in the kitchen. 

However, just because you have limited time, that doesn’t mean you need to sacrifice quality. There are plenty of delicious dishes you can make in under half an hour. Have a list handy, and you’ll always be able to serve up a delicious plate. 

Make Sure Your Kitchen Works Properly

Having a fully functioning kitchen is paramount for having stress-free evening meals. For one thing, it just makes being in the kitchen less annoying. Who wants to deal with a stovetop that only half works?! Second, it’ll make the cooking process more efficient. When preparing a family dinner, using the smallest stove top because it’s the only one available will drive you mad. Get the parts to fix your stove top, and your kitchen will become a space that works with you, not against you. You can also work on improving the decor of your kitchen as a longer-term ambition. It’s more enjoyable to spend time in aesthetically pleasing spaces!

Free Time? Batch Cook Meals

Have an afternoon of free time? If it’s a rainy day and the kids are happy playing, then consider preparing some batch meals. For around an hour’s work, you can create a mountain of meals that you can simply bang in the microwave on those evenings when you do not have the energy or motivation to prepare a full meal. 

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