Let’s Talk About Health

Health and well-being really is becoming a buzz word for 2018 and do you know what? That is amazing. It was announced last week that prostate cancer is the third biggest cancer killer in the UK and Smear Tests are at an all time low.  With one of the best health care systems in the world how can this be so? Jo’s Cervical Cancer Trust suggested in a study of 2,017 women a third were too embarrassed to attend a smear test.  Men on the other hand, just aren’t aware of prostate cancer symptoms and therefore don’t know what to look out for.

Isn’t it time we dropped our British stiff upper lip and started talking about health matters in a more open fashion. Health and well-being shouldn’t be shrouded in secrecy. February 1st 2018 was #TimeToTalk Day encouraging individuals to have conversations about our mental health. Considering 1 in 4 people will experience a mental health issue at some point in our lives surely it’s time to end the stigma and make well-being and mental health apart of everyday life.

I spend a lot of time working by myself in my home office, which is why networking is so important to me. Networking not only provides me with a support network to go to for advice, promotion and assistance in business but also for my mental well-being. It’s important to have and make real life connections which not only add value to your business but also your life. I have been reading “Live, Love, Work, Prosper” by Michael Tobin who makes some really valid points about small business networking that I really identified with.  “Strong business relationships end up being personal friends” (Tobin, 2018, pp. 174), positive business relationships that foster trust and open the doors for greater communication whether that be business or personal.

Archery networking lemur linkup

The networking group Lemur Linkup, I co-host has been running now for nearly 4 years, I’ve already developed strong personal and business bonds as have many other members. For 2018 I wanted to do something different to foster not only networking relationships but ease the boredom and loneliness that comes from working from home, which in turn can have a detrimental effect on your well-being. I have started monthly team building socials introducing activities that not only get individuals out of the house, in the fresh air and exercise but also craft based sessions too whereby they can relax and get lost in creativity.

If you’re interested in the health industry why not take a look through these medical jobs from Athona.  Slater Gordon Lawyers have produced this infographic encouraging us to talk more about our health with some top statistics.  Next time you are at a networking event take a minute to ask someone how they actually are.

healthy lives

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