Summer Holiday Parenting for Mums in Business (Infographic)

*Waves* Remember Me? 

Hola Mums (and Dad’s) in business working from home, how’s it going? Can you believe the summer holidays are already over?! Where did the time go!? We have already completed the first week of the back to school, daily routine and quite frankly it makes me sad 🙁 Hats off to everyone who managed to do any work this holiday as I for one snatched a grand total of 30 hours which equates to around 4 measly hours each week. Basically enough time to sort through emails and keep on top of social media and write a review or two for the enormous amount of time we spent out! Thank god I spent that day scheduling Facebook updates and Instagram auto share otherwise people might have thought I’d fallen into the abyss!

Less Work More Play 

I make no secret of the fact that I choose not to work through the summer holidays and fully appreciate that not everyone is as lucky as me. I mainly accomplish this though through pre-planning both my work load and days out and having a super supportive family.  It does mean though that now I’ve finally got time to sit at my desk (which is overflowing with “stuff” gah! The not turning it into a dumping ground went really well!), all I can see is my to do list which is buckling under the pressure to stay on just one sheet of paper! I then find myself thinking “what did I do for the last 7 weeks” no really what did I do. *insert pondering face*

Cue magical interlude music played on a harp …….. This. This is what I did for 7 weeks and I’d do it again in a heartbeat!

Joanne Dewberry infographic

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Does your summer look anything like mine? I’d love to hear your thoughts especially on how well you survived! Survival tips are always appreciated! (If you failed miserably then check out last month’s Britmums Mums in Business Round-Up | Delegating This Summer Holiday. )

PS. *cough* there are only 7 week until Half Term! *cough*

A Cornish Mum

Hannah Spannah
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