Party Planning – Helping you to be the BEST Party Planner Out There!

Party Plan/Direct Sales is very much a place that first springs to mind when you are a mum, being a first time mum myself, I had to come to the decision what to do with my life when my maternity ran out. Would I go back to working 60hrs + a week as a Hotel Manager or would I look at just doing a couple of hours a week in an office. I am sure that all of these have crossed your minds as well, when you became a mum for the first, second even third time! Party Plan/Direct selling has been in my life for about 11 years and I always thought it would be something that I did to earn extra money to top up my full time wages, when looking into it in more depth I realised I could be a mumpreneur in the direct selling/party plan sector.

When I needed assistance in “Getting More Party Bookings” or “How to Recruit Quality People”, “What games will suit the type of people who are having the party?” l tried to look on the internet for new angles, I realised the owner of the business could only give me so much so finding out more information would be my responsibility. So many Party Planners/Direct Sellers need helpful hints and tips that are outside of their business circle. Some companies can be very corporate in the way you deal with potential hostesses; this is an area where some people fail! Not because they are not great people or good sellers, just that the way they are talking to people just does not suit their own individual personality.

Having someone to go to that you can ask ideas of and brain storm together is what The Party Plan Guru is all about. Being a Party Planner/Direct Seller can be a lonely and scary place, I am sure your husband’s have all commented, at least once, and said “its a scam”, “how will you make money”, “you will spend your profits on yourself” and it really does not have to be like that. I launched The Party Plan Guru from trawling the internet in search of inspiration for my Party Plan Business and found that most of the websites providing advice were American or no longer running in the UK, I needed help that was specific to Party Planning/Direct Selling business in the UK. If I needed these helpful hints and tips for my business then I am sure other’s need that support too.

Knowing the ins and outs of your products and compensation plans are great, they help you to focus on acting professional and creating goals, but in party planning/direct selling people buy from people. I suppose you can say this for every business but you are in front of them booking the party date, showing your products at the party and taking the orders, all customer service. If you feel uncomfortable doing something it will show in the way that you react to your audience. You chose the party plan/direct selling business that you’re in but WHY? The Products, The Commission, A Gap in the Market, Or you might feel you have been pushed into it as you could not say NO to your sponsor, whatever your reason you chose the Party Plan/Direct Selling sector it shows you want flexible working and something that you can do for yourself. Having a network of people in the same position as you means you can vent, share tips, increase sales and recruit like the best of them, you just need the support to do that, sometimes from an outsider. You are able to share tips and hints on The Party Plan Guru that relate to things that work for you and me and others can contribute to the discussion, there is also tailor-made packages specifically for the person that you are to help you grow your own business into an empire. We all need support in Party planning/Direct Sales and having a place to brainstorm or ask someone’s opinion that knows the business and how party plan works means you are always in a safe place with the Party Plan Guru.

Visit The Party Plan Guru and pick up some tips and share your experiences
Hope to see you there soon

The Party Plan Guru xx

Find us on Facebook – Twitter – @partyplanguru


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