Mumpreneur = sacrificing queen – bring on the sun!!

I love being a mum
I love being a mumpreneur.
I love running my business around my commitments to my children.
For me this really is a win win situation. But I would be lying if I didn’t say it was … hard.

Joanne Dewberry

Being a mumpreneur is : 

  • There is the juggling act! I never signed up to be a circus performer.
  • Sacrifices. Why is it we mums appear to make the most! I sacrifice a lot for my children, but that doesn’t make me special. That’s just what mums do. I mean it’s in the job description and everything!!  I missed meeting Theo Paphitis in March for the first #SBS event.  Instead I watched Moo talking in assembly.
  • It can turn you into the green eyed monster … my children are 5, 3 & 1 – I can’t just go networking when I want too.  I can’t drop everything to go to events in London or Birmingham.   My other half is really supportive but he does work too and is not always available and 3 children, at different places are much harder to organise for a day than 1 at full time school.  I mean it’s a stress for me let alone my 60 year old Mother in Law.
  • You get so busy you suddenly realise its been 6 months since you had a haircut and yet all the other mumpreneurs you know look uber glam day after day after day at the school gates.  How on earth do they do it??
  • Your children have a better social life than you?!  Or in my case the last time I went out without my children or other half was to learn about PR & marketing!! Oh dear!!

Every now and then these niggly things can suddenly take over and make you feel pretty rubbish.  And guess what!! Less than 4 weeks until the dreaded … summer holidays!!!   So STOP .. take a minute and follow my top tips to getting prepared for the summer.

summer holiday tips for mums in business

Top Tips :

  1. DO NOT take on big projects that will run through the holiday – you are just asking for trouble you’ll be time limited, overloaded with work and you will get stressed! For you and your children this isn’t the ideal solution so do little tasks throughout the summer or concentrate on developing plans for September.
  2. Start winding down you business activities into manageable chunks, things that can be done during the evenings or early in the morning. Activities that don’t involve using the telephone or directly speaking to people – if your children are anything like mine they talk to me constantly when I’m on the phone but ignore me when I’m not! Plus I can guarantee one of them will need the toilet but instead of going as per usual they feel the need to announce this fact rather loudly.
  3. Plan and organise activities, to do during the holiday with the children. You can see some of my suggestions in a previous article here.  I have started noted down free community activities in local parks, library’s and centres etc… so we already have things ready to do.  Much better than waking up without a plan!
  4. Start putting money aside so that when your business is in semi shut down over the summer your wallet is not suffering
  5. Meet up with other mumpreneurs – most of them will be feeling like you! So why not meet up at the park or beach, the kids can enjoy the sun and each others company and you can get your adult business conversation fix.

But most of all enjoy yourself – we run a small businesses from home so we can actually spend time with our children? I try as much as possible to take the whole summer off to be with my kids, not only for their benefit but for mine too. Take time to chill out and relax, recharge your batteries and have fun.

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