The Importance of Pastoral Care in Schools

Pastoral care is seen throughout many parts of the school. In the extracurricular activities that they put on to the support services made available to students like form tutors and school mentors. Their primary role is to ensure that the welfare of their pupils is looked after and deliver lessons that aren’t taught in other parts of the school like managing money and developing healthy relationships. Here’s what we’ve learned about the benefits of pastoral care in schools by speaking to a co-educational school in Richmond.

The Importance of Pastoral Care in Schools:

The Importance of Pastoral Care in Schools

School Houses:

The house system is one that has been used in UK schools for a while and is there to teach children about team working, togetherness and creates a sense of belonging. Schools are divided into teams and children have the opportunity to take part in sports as well as a range of activities where they get to compete against their opponents and work alongside teammates. Aside from being fun, the virtue is that it prepares children for real life, where they need to be resilient, work with others and tackle challenges. 

Role of Form Tutors in Delivering Pastoral Care:

Form tutors are teachers that children must meet with every day, if not once, twice a day for registration. Because of this they are good judges of character and are able to see whether they are okay and spot the signs if they are not. As it’s time that they have outside of their formal lessons, they can spend it getting to know their form group and teacher. 

Engagement at School:

When children enjoy school, they are more likely to do well. They are more invested and likely to attend. Those that have problems on the other hand, whether that be an issue at home or with their peers, tend to be less engaged, and it’s expected. It can be difficult for children to work through issues like friendship breakdown and bullying etc. Form tutors as well as safeguarding officers are there to support children through any difficulties like these. 

These are just a few ways in which pastoral care is an integral part of school and child development. Your child’s teachers are just as much invested in their education and welfare as you are and there’s support available to you if you ever find yourself in a situation where you’re unsure of what to do and have concerns.

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