Protecting your mobile device (your small business in your hands)

The world of business is changing rapidly. There are so many people now who run successful businesses from the palm of their hands, literally. Mobile technology enables us to do pretty much everything. For Mums in Business mobile technology has become a game changer. No longer missing out on opportunities as we can organise emails from the park.  Bank Holiday Monday I coordinated my to do list from soft play (it was loud granted! But I felt accomplished!). I’ve seen Facebook lives conducted whilst sitting in the car waiting for a child to finish school, dance lessons even sleeping!  Social media based businesses go hand in hand with mobile devices and we all have so many of them now.

networking with blogger friends

Protecting your investments : 

When your mobile device is the hub of your business you NEED to protect it.  Like with most things in life there are a few simple things you can do daily to keep your devices safe.

  • Store your mobile device correctly. Don’t carry phones in your back pocket, nor have devices floating around in your handbag.
  • Charge Properly. Don’t leave mobile devices plugged in when they have finished charging, this can damage the battery.
  • Keep it clean. Don’t use wipes as this can add moisture do use a cotton bud to wipe surfaces over
  • Invest in a screen cover or phone protector.  There is nothing more costly nor annoying than a broken mobile devise. Believe me …. the image below is mine!

mobile device damage

What to do if your mobile device is broken? :

It can be distressing when you break your mobile device so after you have finished crying it’s time to consider your options. You could always run out to the nearest shop and buy a new one or you could look at having your mobile devices repaired.

  • Avoid downtime enabling you to stay connected by contacting a repair firm. for Business is the first UK-wide call-out mobile repair firm. The majority of repairs can be done on site on the same day as contacted.
  • Save money. Buying new mobile devices is costly. It makes more sense to repair in the first instance. iMend’s unique USP means they are the only company in the country with a UK-wide network of mobile repair technicians that go out to customers to fix their phones at their office, home or for us mums in business the park or local soft play.
  • Green credentials. Repairing broken office equipment is much more favourable than a cupboard full of broken technology or filling up landfills.

So next time you break one of your mobile devices remember it’s not the end of the world.

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