A mumpreneur's guide to entering business competitions

It’s such a nice feeling to know you’ve won a competition. So why not increase your chances of winning by entering loads! You’ve got to be ‘in it to win it’ after all. Here’s why you should enter and how you could win.

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  1. Keep an ongoing list of your achievements, as well as notes on the quirkier sides of your business, your USP (unique selling point) and how and why you started your business.
  2. Ask your friends what they like and admire about you and your business. This will give you a big picture of your strengths, plus lots of examples you can use in your answers.
  3. Read the questions carefully. Ok, it’s not a test, but the same principles apply! Judges are looking for certain criteria, so make sure you’re clear about what they’re asking.
  4. Sell yourself. Don’t be embarrassed about bigging yourself up! You did it – and you deserve the recognition.
  5. Enter loads of competitions! Save copies of your award applications. That way you can copy and paste the same information for future competitions, refine your message and make it perfect.


  • Everywoman Awards
  • Nectar Small Business Awards
  • Barclays Take One Small Step
  • Enterprise UK

Joanne Dewberry runs Charlie Moo (party bags, gifts and toys) from her home in rural Dorset. She also started Networking Mummies (Dorset) with Laura Morris of Rentabuggy.co.uk.

  • Highly Commended MumsClub.co.uk PR Comp 2009
  • Future 100 Young Entrepreneur 2009
  • TGF Best Rated Awards 2009
  • Short listed Langtry Manor Best Green Business 2010
  • Short listed Make Your Mark in The Markets 2010
  • Finalist in Langtry Manor Dorset Business Mum of the Year 2010

First published on Enterprise Nation 5th May 2010

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