5 Key Office Trends For 2016

For me my office space is all about functionality. It’s a space that has been organised to work for me and my business. But you might have seen more in the news about office spaces that are almost like giant soft plays and fun. Offices are moving away from stuffy, uniformed spaces to creative, collaborative and flexible areas allowing movement, activity and fun.

office trends

  1. Less is more : More and more office spaces are moving towards a minimal design. Hiding wires and reducing the clutter all provide light airy spaces and more productive employees.  Adequate storage and moving towards a paperless office also play a big role in reducing piles of office “stuff”.
  2. Bring the outdoors in : The Telegraph reports “Office environments with greenery and natural light can boost workplace productivity by 6% and increase employee well-being and creativity by 15%, according to the Human Spaces report.” Consider adding plants and natural materials such as wooden benches or even go the whole hog like Innocent Smoothies with fake turf flooring!
  3. Multi functional : Office spaces are moving away from uniformity and enclosed individual box type areas to more multi functional which encourage creativity and collaboration. Open plan offices, designated meeting rooms and more relaxing seating areas all provide something a little more to get the creative juices flowing.
  4. Bigger kitchens : Gone are the coffee machines and tiny kitchen areas. More office spaces are increasing the size and functionality of the kitchens. Providing an area to create meals, chill and hang out with others.  Innocent Smoothies offer free breakfasts and unlimited supply of smoothies to their employees.
    innocent smoothie kitchen

    Photo Credit | Innocent Smoothie

  5. Healthy spaces : Google and Trivago have climbing walls (I wonder if I can persuade Daddy Moo to build me one!) other offices boast gyms and games rooms.

If you are  looking to develop a seamless and stress free office fit-out, I’d recommend working with qualified industry experts who will manage the process from the beginning right through. Working with your business to understand the goals you want to achieve, and then designing a workplace that mirrors those goals and improves overall operational efficiency.  These office trends make me a little sad that I work from home! I love the light, functionality and fun aspects.


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Photo Credit Title Image | Shutterstock


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  1. Anthony Coleman
    March 9, 2016 / 10:03 am

    I truly believe that companies who establish office gyms and games rooms can effectively reduce the everyday stress and burnout experienced by employees each year
    Anthony Coleman recently posted..Erin Andrews awarded $55 million in Marriott lawsuitMy Profile

  2. January 5, 2017 / 9:54 am

    Branding your office walls and windows is a great way to transform any space into an extension of your brand.

  3. March 6, 2019 / 8:59 pm

    Thank you! In our industry, we know that you only get a few crucial seconds to make a good impression and engage potential customers. We aim to help you make the best of it!