5 Top Tips for Building an Eco-Friendly Home

Looking for ways to reduce your monthly costs that also bring a benefit to the environment? There are both small features and big changes you can do to increase the eco-friendly features of your home. Most eco-friendly home tips are so simple for you and your family to follow that making the swap is easy. Here are some top tips from a helical piles company to show you how easy it can be!

5 Top Tips for Building an Eco-Friendly Home

Use LED Bulbs:

LED lights consume a lot less energy than the traditional incandescent bulbs most of us normally pick up. While much smaller, they still emit plenty of light with much less power usage and can come in a variety of colours. These are great for if you want a set of centralised lights in your kitchen or a string of LED lights for the bedroom to add ambience.

Use Rain Collectors:

Even if it’s just a spare bucket you have lying around, you can use this to collect rainwater for any use. Plants only need regular nourishment and rainwater does the job just as well. You’ll also find you can use rainwater for a lot of things around your home, such as cleaning tiles, washing away moss and weeds from your driveway paving and cleaning windows.

Use Surge Protectors: 

Surge protectors are multi-way plugs you can use that are designed to protect you against electrical shocks. If there are any cables plugged in that you’re not using, you may as well turn these off. You’ll be surprised how much energy you waste from charging cables and TVs that are left plugged in for days!

Reuse Your Shopping Bags:

You probably have a few tote bags lying around – now is the time to use them! Save yourself using plastic bags that don’t last half as long by having a regular rotation of tote bags for small items of shopping, or a big jute bag ideal for groceries.

Use A Cloth Instead Of Kitchen Roll:

A tiny thing that can save a few pennies on the grocery shopping list is switching to cloth when cleaning up mess. Having a cloth that you can wash regularly or keep as a spare will do a better job at cleaning up those nasty stains, and you can wet it without the fear of the paper falling apart in your hands.

Even if you find that you’re saving a few pounds each month, you’d be surprised at how much that can add up to over time that you can keep for a rainy day or if an appliance breaks. Be a savvy saver by making your home eco-friendly at the same time!

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1 Comment

  1. August 18, 2023 / 3:38 am

    Your eco-friendly home tips are fantastic, Joanne! Small changes like using LED bulbs and rain collectors can make a significant impact on both your bills and the environment. Reusing shopping bags and opting for cloths over paper towels are simple yet effective ways to contribute. Well done!